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Praying through the storms of the heart

Thursday, August 25th 2016 10:16 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



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The weather has been saturated with dark skies, torrential rain and in many places, flooding. Traffic bogs down and short tempers flare. Under bright sun or dark clouds, honking horns and disgruntled drivers slowly creep at a snail’s pace down roadways as they make the daily work-to-home dash. Irritability follows us inside to days packed with ringing phones and endless meetings. Out in the elements again we are further exacerbated by fueling stops and dry cleaning pick up, all while mentally wondering what to cook for dinner.

Some days, just getting into a hot, steamy car can feel as if nothing is going the way we plan. But, although we can’t control the weather, we can choose the climate in our hearts. Driving through big puddles should be an invitation to slow down; can be a reminder to look again at what we let ourselves pass by in the now normal speed of life.

Rain, in moderation, has the ability to refresh the air, the earth. Perhaps we too can find revitalization if we look up from a different perspective; see through the drops for the gifts it may hold.

Becoming aware of how we let external sources determine our interior dispositions is a great lesson for our spiritual journeys.  

How do the elements—both nurturing and damaging—reflect upon your discernment?

Sister Amy's Six Word Mission Story

Tuesday, January 24th 2017 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



Have you enjoyed FSPA's Six Word Stories about vocation? Check out our new series, Six Word Mission Stories, beginning with the view from Sister Amy's continuing journey through FSPA ministry.

We invite you to share (post a comment below) your own Six Word Mission Story!


Bridges of peace built with prayer

Thursday, September 1st 2016 1:00 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



Image courtesy of

Diversity is one of the greatest gifts we have been given on Earth, but also one of the most challenging. In the beauty of distinction it is often perplexing when we feel misunderstood by another. From the deepest conversations to the everyday moments, relating to one another is where we spend the majority of our life energy.

Reflect for a moment on your morning routine. In configuration there were a series of steps taken to accomplish each task at hand and, over time, your own version of automatic pilot emerged. When living with others, our routines and world views are often questioned and some of the behavior buried in unconscious thought is brought once again to consciousness.

Life in community is a treasury full of relationships. As humans we are naturally drawn to some people. Personalities, viewpoints and generational differences are but a few of the ways in which we are stretched to broaden perspectives and our rough edges are leveled over time. As respect for the other grows so does the ability to let small things go and, when necessary, seek forgiveness when disagreement turns into an argument.  

One path to spanning our differences is committing to a life of prayer. Wrapped in the Divine embrace of prayer, we discover ways to build bridges to common ground that see us through the times of trial. I have witnessed individuals at odds with one another continue to pray together and push through their own feelings to see the situation from the other side.

It is not easy to be open to God and surrender to a time of bridge construction. Bridge building is not an instant process: foundations need to be laid brick-by-brick, and surfaces must be leveled before the decking is ready to span two sides. Sometimes a bridge between two people cannot be constructed. Insight gained through prayer will help one know if it’s time for laying the foundations for a future bridge. Prayer grants vision beyond one’s perception and offers a glimpse of the bigger realities of life.

In your discernment, are you finding any gaps that may need bridging?

Are there different viewpoints you’ve resisted because the leap is too large? No bridge yet exists?

How are you called to be a bridge builder in your life?

Transforming the power of snow

Thursday, January 12th 2017 10:10 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Close your eyes and take a moment to walk around in your childhood memories of snow. Can you hear the crunching of the frozen earth beneath your feet? A deep breath brings a twinge of pain that quickly turns to relief as nights of prayers are finally answered for lovers of snow—it’s the first snowy day of the winter.

Mornings have never been easy or cheerful for me, except when anticipating a snow day off of school as a child. On these rare occasions in the southern part of the Midwest, such an event was a treasured experience. I recall racing past the breakfast table to turn on the TV, hoping against all that I held important in my childhood days to see the name of my school district scroll across the bottom of the screen as the newscaster seemed to drone on and on about news that was unimportant to my elementary mind. The leading story for me was school closings. And when it finally appeared, my brother and I would shriek with joy!

Now I live in Wisconsin where snow is a part of most days. Pushing ahead through snowy roads, walking like penguins in icy parking lots, the allure of snow can lose its luster. There are some days, like today, when the snowflakes are almost cartoon-like and I’m transported back in time to feelings of nostalgia; of the excitement that snow used to bring. Staring out the window I can get lost in my own philosophical and theological ponderings of the gift of snow. I find myself reflecting on what snow offers in my spiritual life. Time slows down and the familiar landscape transforms before my eyes. Choosing to walk through the snow mystery enters into my consciousness as I am invited to alertness of each step; moving through space with new awareness. My sure footedness is altered as slick surfaces send a signal of caution.

Snow falling outside Mary of the Angels Chapel at St. Rose Convent in La Crosse, Wisconsin

Yet I am amazed at the beauty that appears as I walk across a sparkling carpet of opaque gems glistening in the filtered light. The holy stillness of a snow-filled world is overwhelming when I make the decision to embrace the experience and not fight against it. Sometimes I think as a culture we have lost the ability to let ourselves sink deeply into the moments of our lives. Tied to phones, appointment books and over-scheduled calendars the gift of snow—sweeping it off our cars, shoveling it down our driveways—can merely be one more thing on our list of accomplishments for the day. The snow becomes something to be conquered and managed rather than experienced. What would happen if on one day you let snow be your focus and teacher? Would greater lessons appear than the ones you planned?


Image courtesy of

Sometimes discernment can be similar to snow. There are times of magic and inspiration: fragments when secrets of the universe open and understanding dawns in your heart and mind. And there are times when you feel like you need to push through; shovel and manage your own discernment as desire to see progress outweighs your ability to sit with the mystery that surrounds you.

Both reflections have their place in discernment—times during which inspiration will lead you to action and others in which shear willpower is required to motivate you forward. Every action—even making the choice not to make a decision—is a decision. Living in a snowy climate is not for the timid of heart nor is the journey of discernment.

This week: If you live in an area of the country in which it’s snowing, take time to watch it fall and then write about your experience. Are there clues for your discernment? If you are living in an area without snow think of a situation where something beyond your control slowed you down or changed your regular routine. How were you present to the situation?

Sharing courage to walk in darkness and light

Thursday, February 9th 2017 2:40 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


My time with television news at home or listening to the radio on my way to work has been full of sorrow and worry. There's been very little positive news woven into each broadcast. Sometimes I just need to turn it all off and pray for peace.

Yet I know, no matter what the issue is or where you may personally stand with it, it's important to be informed about what's going on in the world. There’s also intrinsic value in holding on to your heart in times that can feel overwhelming. God is always present: the way forward will be created as we all rally as a human family. When we watch for one side or the other to succumb to defeat we also lose sight of the Gospel call to love one another. Does love want others to lose in order for someone to win? Is being right more essential than being compassionate?

Is any of this uncertainty affecting your discernment?

I've yet to meet anyone who can say their time of discernment was filled with only light because, inherently, fear and discouragement are all around us; part of being human. But when we encounter situations that stop our progress even for a moment we can, and not just as an afterthought, invite God to come closer: to center us and walk with us and help clarify the call for us. Learning to rely on God's guidance is essential. And whether it be uncertainty of the world or religious life, sharing your disillusionment with close family or friends is also essential to finding light in oblivion. Faith, hope and love are the antidotes of fear.

And strength of character in the depth of your commitment is often revealed when you find ways to befriend your moments of challenge.


Karen Lueck, FSPA, joined a recent solidarity rally in La Crosse, Wisconsin

Our world is a wonderful example right now, because despite the gloomy surface-level appearance, joy continues. Couples fall in love, students achieve their dreams, and elderly see another generation added to their families. The human spirit cannot be contained. Love and joy will find ways to shine even brighter against the dark horizon.

How has joy triumphed over disillusionment in your discernment this week?

How will you bring hope to others?

Will you share your courage to keep walking, in a world of darkness, on the journey of discernment?



Documenting discernment

Thursday, September 29th 2016 12:02 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

It is rare that I receive a handwritten note or card in the mail anymore. Such artistry has morphed into emails and text messages in which descriptive stories of elation or frustration are relayed in a series of emojis. “Fast and just the facts” has become the mantra of modern communication.

Social media, it seems, has also replaced the tradition of record keeping. Do proud parents still document baby’s first steps on paper? Do people still write down family stories, tucking them securely in Bibles and memory books? Or do we, more often, widely publicize every trivial moment (and favorite YouTube video) for instant consumption on Facebook? Post tweets that are here one second, gone the next? 

And what about journaling? I’m not talking about a 7th grade “Dear Diary” entry in which you scribbled “Today I ate a peanut butter sandwich for lunch.” Instead, intentional journaling can be an opportunity to pray through pen and paper; provide a canvas on which to capture and reflect significant events and ponder the various ways God is present in your day, your life, your discernment.

Some people choose to journal via computer; those more artistically inclined may draw to depict life events, enlightenment. For me, contemplation becomes part of the process when I slow my thoughts and allow the rhythm of my handwriting to set the pace of reflection. The more attention I give to details like the legibility of my handwriting, the further I’m drawn into the depths of reflection. And in the quiet moments of a journaling retreat, communication on paper between myself and God has come out quite clear. But no matter the method documenting discernment—taking the time to record and reflect on life through journaling—reveals to me connections I may ordinarily miss as I live in our fast-paced world of emoticon efficiency.

What is revealed when you slow down, stop texting, and record the words in your thoughts? 

Are you courageous enough to put them in writing? 

Does your discernment become more honest—real—when you see yourself on paper?

Author's note: Watch for journal retreat offerings (among many others) at these FSPA-sponsored spirituality centers: the Franciscan Spirituality Center (La Crosse, Wisconsin), Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center (Hiawatha, Iowa) and Marywood Franciscan Spirituality Center (Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin).

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Doorways to celebration

Thursday, August 4th 2016 12:12 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Like an ice cream cone in the sunshine the days of summer continue to melt, one after the other. It’s already the beginning of August and time teeters in the remaining liminal space of the season before we enter into the coolness of autumn.  

This week the FSPA community is celebrating two historical threshold crossings: 138 years of perpetual adoration and the 800th anniversary of the Feast of Pardon. Both events are guideposts and require faithfulness, perseverance, humility, conversion and the willingness to take the next step through the doorways of life. 


Sister Gertrude Daugherty rings in 138 years of FSPA perpetual adoration

Rejoicing in the 138th anniversary of FSPA perpetual adoration we are reminded of the very breath that sustains our congregation. Adoration is a holy exchange of the breathing of prayer and movement outward in ministry. Each year we renew the promise of perpetual adoration as we follow the legacy begun by Mother Antonia Herb. 

Eight hundred years ago in Assisi, Italy, long before our congregation came into existence, St. Francis procured from the pope pardon of sins for all who passed over the threshold of the church of Portiuncula. As pilgrimages were difficult and very expensive at that time such absolution extended to all Franciscan churches throughout the world, inviting focus of one’s heart not limited to those who could afford to take a journey. As a Franciscan congregation we invite that forgiveness through the doors of Mary of the Angels Chapel on August 2, the Feast of Portiuncula, every year. 


A Portiuncula procession into Mary of the Angels Chapel

And so this past Sunday, reflecting in the silence of our hearts, we processed to the chapel doorway in St. Rose Convent. The heavy, gilded doors swung open and with joy and song we stepped through them. We reveled in the deepening of our relationship with God and our commitment to this Franciscan way of life.  


Celebrating the Feast of the Pardon, FSPA process into Mary of the Angels Chapel 

Are you aware of thresholds—those symbolic of love and acceptance and forgiveness—in your life? Are you ready, in discernment, to cross them? How will you celebrate the deepening of your relationship with God in these moments?


Open eyes can change world views

Thursday, January 19th 2017 11:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


This week we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a charismatic civil rights leader who offered a new vision for the United States; who gave to the world “I Have a Dream.” He dared to imagine a different way of living his life to promote change on behalf of millions of others—most of whom he would never know. Those who accept his public declaration of an attentive worldview can harness that power; declare and realize their own dreams.


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Throughout my graduate school classes, conferences and formation studies I have continually been reminded that where we stand has a direct correlation to what we see. If you choose to perch from a place of power in order to maintain power you will not see the horizon from the vantage point of those with little control over their struggling existence. It’s a paradox starkly reflected in the refugee crisis in our world. Each time I see a photo my heart is twisted by the pain and anguish I see on the faces of those unnamed and suffering and unsafe before my eyes.

It’s these images that remind me of one of my professors in graduate school, Carla Mae Streeter, O.P. She gave us an assignment to search magazines and newspapers for an image of a person whose vulnerability spoke to our hearts. She challenged us to keep the image in a place of remembrance throughout our studies to remind us of why we were students of theology, and what the Gospel calls each of us to do. This assignment was more than just a class requirement: it continues to be a lasting life lesson. Each time I enter discernment--from ministry to volunteer opportunity--I reflect on why I am discerning and choosing action. Will the choice before me reflect Gospel tenants?

Questioning motives and desires is an important part of discerning religious life. If the dream is driven by power and recognition it may dissipate quickly in the face of challenge; crumble under the weight of commitment. Following the call of the Gospel requires not only response to the needs of others before your own, but laying down your life for the world around you.

What do you see in your discernment dream? What heart-held image inspires you? Are you responding to a need in your community, or do you envision crossing borders and oceans to give your life and service in missionary fields? I am perpetually motivated by the founders of my own religious community who heard there were people in need in the United States. They left their family, friends and comforts of their Bavarian homeland in 1849 to follow the call God placed in their hearts. Their lives were transformed in the moment they said “Yes” and their work of collaboration and co-creation with God began. Proclaiming your own “Yes,” waking up and making your own dream a reality, has the potential to not only change your life but also the lives of those you serve. Experience in the encounters will teach lessons far beyond any you could have ever imagined if you're open to mutual transformation.

What if your dream is the one the world needs now?

Are you willing to take the next steps in your discernment to make it a reality?

In the spirit of thanksgiving to God

Thursday, November 28th 2019 7:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Gather with gratitude on this Thanksgiving Day.


As we gather around the table in a spirit of thanksgiving to God for the blessings of friends, family, community and food, may we also reach out to those who are separated from loved ones, those who are mourning losses, and those who are homeless or hungry. May we also remember in our prayers of thankfulness all those who have grown, harvested and prepared the food that graces our tables today.

Sister Marguerite's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, July 16th 2020 10:00 am
Marguerite Bruening, FSPA


Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration are writing hope for the future with the wisdom of religious life ... in just six words. Stay tuned. 

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Janet to discerners: 'Say yes. You won't be sorry.'

Thursday, November 21st 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


One reaction to her choosing religious life: "Oh, I thought Janet liked to have fun."


Sister Janet Fischer

Sometimes it is a struggle to make a decision about what to do with your life. Sister Janet Fischer, now celebrating her 60th jubilee, shares that it took time to discover that the invitation from God to become a sister would help her to live into the fullness of who she is. Show me a sign recently caught up with Sister Janet who continues to volunteer in her local parish and civic communities and shares inspiration for religious life, then and now.   

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a religious sister?

Sister Janet:
I did not want to be a sister. I finally got tired of God pestering me and said “Yes.” Then I was at peace.

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to become a sister?  

Sister Janet:
I never told anyone of my thoughts about entering religious life until I said “Yes” to God. I went to St. Rose Convent shortly after. My mother was reassured and very happy after receiving a letter I wrote to her about becoming a sister. My dad said that the lifestyle was too hard and he didn’t want me to go. My mother shared that someone said to her with surprise “Oh, I thought Janet liked having fun.”

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind?  

Sister Janet:
It’s interesting to ponder the thoughts I have as I reflect on each place I have ministered in. Three different stories come to mind. In my early days in community 60 years ago, not everyone had access to a car. I knew how to drive and was therefore chosen to be the convent chauffeur. I was responsible for transporting sisters where they needed to go. One of my favorite memories is taking a group berry picking: we had a great time!  

A funny experience I recall happened while I was the full-time cook for the sisters in Milford, Wisconsin. One day I made six donuts, one for each sister, as I didn’t want to have any leftovers  (they were really big). One sister never let me hear the end of that. I guess she wanted to have more than one.

One of my favorite community living experiences was in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. I was the baker there for a large group of sisters. I also visited members of the parish who were sick and taught religious education in the neighboring town.  

I am also thankful for my classmates: together we got through everything. It was a special bond of friendship, experiencing classes and learning about mission and ministry. We had fun!


The FSPA community embraced Sister Janet during her 60th jubilee celebration.

Show me a sign:
Which of your ministries have meant the most to you?  

Sister Janet:
I liked all of my experiences. There was fun, excitement and challenge in all of it. 

Show me a sign:
What advice do you have for a woman discerning religious life today?  

Sister Janet:
If you’re tired of God pestering you say “Yes.” You won’t be sorry.

We hope that you have enjoyed experiencing the discernment and ministry stories of the 2019 FSPA jubilarians. To experience more of their reflections of religious life, visit And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for the 2020 jubilee celebration series beginning next summer!   

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Kathy's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, June 25th 2020 10:00 am
Kathy Roberg, FSPA


Visit us again to experience new 6 Word Stories of Hope.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Maris to discerners: 'Be aware of what feels right.'

Thursday, November 14th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


"I have always enjoyed my ministries, then and now."


Sister Maris Kerwin

With laughter in her voice, Sister Maris Kerwin shares stories of her journey to the convent — a surprising life twist for her and her family. She tells of graduating from nursing school in Carol, Iowa, and stepping onto a path similar to those taken by many of her classmates who lived and worked there. But a trip to St. Rose Convent in La Crosse, Wisconsin, turned those plans upside down, and an adventure of 60 years as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration began for Sister Maris. Now she is one of the sisters who meets discerners as they make their own first visits to St. Rose, leading them on tours of our heritage department and inviting them to discover new paths of their own. Among the artifacts are the stories of the many FSPA who answered their own call to religious life, just as she did 60 years ago.

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a religious sister?

Sister Maris:
I think it probably came to me when I visited St. Rose and met several FSPA. I had not been exposed to many other religious communities. I did, however, experience retreats during high school and nursing school that introduced me to religious life.

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to become a sister?  

Sister Maris:
They were as surprised as I was! It was a choice that was difficult for my dad to accept.

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind?


In April, Sister Maris celebrated her 60th jubilee at St. Rose Convent.  

Sister Maris:
I have many memories of my nursing career as it broadened, also of being elected FSPA vice president and serving the congregation for 10 years.

Show me a sign:
Which of your ministries have meant the most to you?  

Sister Maris:
Nursing has always been important and many happy memories are connected with it, but I think I have always enjoyed my ministries, then and now. I am a volunteer in our community heritage department, and it’s great.

Show me a sign:
What advice do you have for a woman discerning religious life today?  

Sister Maris:
Be aware of what feels right, and don’t be afraid to follow your instincts!

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Stepping into newness

Wednesday, January 1st 2020 1:00 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Celebrating a new year in a world of opportunities ... including religious life. 


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

May the year ahead be filled with wonder and awe as you discern how God is calling you — inviting you to share your gifts and talents in a world full of possibilities.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.


The celebration continues! [video]

Thursday, August 1st 2019 3:00 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Honoring discernment, jubilee and the 141st anniversary of perpetual adoration


Sister Laura Schreck, FSPA jubilarian celebrating 75 years

Show me a sign is honoring our 2019 jubilarians by sharing their stories of discernment and ministry. Today, four jubilarians, Sisters Rita Mae Fischer, Rosile Pernsteiner, Lorraine Forster and Laura Schreck, are [literally] ringing in FSPA’s 142nd year of perpetual adoration. Their celebration continues!


75-year jubilarian Sister Lorraine Forster

This year, Sisters Rita Mae, Rosile, Lorraine and Laura are among our wisdom sisters: those FSPA who have served the ministry of perpetual adoration the longest and who are invited to ring the bell during the annual anniversary celebration. Today, it sounded 141 times to commemorate the anniversary ... and one more to usher in the new year. FSPA prayer partners are also invited to sound the bell.

Curious about FSPA's sacred ministry of perpetual adoration, round-the-clock prayer that began on Aug. 1, 1878?

And, are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Rosile: "Kindness attracted me to FSPA."

Thursday, June 27th 2019 10:30 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

"It has been a wonderful life filled with many blessings and many challenges."


FSPA Diamond Jubilarian Sister Rosile Pernsteiner

Sister Rosile Pernsteiner’s relationship with the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration spans more than seven decades, as she first met the community while attending high school. “I was impressed by their Franciscan spirit and kindness toward each other …”

In celebration of Sister Rosile’s diamond jubilee, Show me a sign invited her to share the insight she gained in discernment, throughout 75 years of vowed religious life and today as she ministers in prayer and witness.

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a sister?

Sister Rosile:
I went to a high school where Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration taught. I was impressed by their Franciscan spirit and their kindness toward each other so I decided to join them.  

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to live religious life? 

Sister Rosile:
My mother was very upset because I was going so far away — from Spokane, Washington, to La Crosse, Wisconsin. My dad said, “It that’s what she wants to do, let her do it.” 


Sister Rosile Pernsteiner, Class of 1944

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind? 

Sister Rosile:
It has been a wonderful life filled with many blessing and many challenges.  

Show me a sign:
What has been your favorite ministry, and why?  

Sister Rosile:
I was general treasurer of the community for 25 years. This ministry — a service to the community — was full of challenges and variety.  

Show me a sign:
What advice would you give to women who are discerning religious life today?  

Sister Rosile:
Trust in God — you will be making a good choice.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.



Sister Clarone to discerners: '... listen to your heart.'

Thursday, September 19th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


‘God called: I listened and followed’


Sister Clarone Brill celebrated her 70th jubilee on April 26, 2019, at St. Rose Convent.

Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Clarone Brill has ministered in Wisconsin and Iowa, spreading Franciscan joy to each person she’s encountered. She began serving as a teacher and later in her life found excitement and fulfillment through her ministry of pastoral care for the elderly. In celebration of her 70th jublilee, Show me a sign asked Sister Clarone to reflect on some of the experiences she has had over the last seven decades as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration.  

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a religious sister?

Sister Clarone:
My older sister, Clara, entered St. Rose Convent around the time I was in first grade. We had FSPA sisters at our parish. I loved my eighth-grade teacher. I felt the spirit calling me to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. God called: I listened and followed.

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to become a sister?

Sister Clarone:
I think they were very supportive and happy for me. My dad said he would not stand in the way of my calling.


Sister Clarone is a member of the Class of 1949.

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind?

Sister Clarone:
My delight has been being spirit led to an ever-deepening relationship with God, especially
through prayer, retreats and ministering to others.

Show me a sign:
What has been your favorite ministry, and why?

Sister Clarone:
My two main ministries have been teaching and pastoral care. It’s hard to choose one over the other because, in both, I ministered to many with love, care, and support  — touching lives in ways I may never know and hopefully leading all to a deeper relationship with our loving God.

Show me a sign:
What advice would you give to a woman discerning religious life today?

Sister Clarone:
I would say listen to your heart. Pray to the Holy Spirit to help you discern where God is calling you.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.


Sister Linda to discerners: 'I thank God every day for my vocation.'

Thursday, September 5th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


After 50 years of ministry, FSPA celebrates Sister Linda's jubilee


Sister Linda Riesberg, celebrating her jubilee at Villa St. Joseph

In many classrooms across the United States, young children begin expanding their senses of belonging in the world. Their learning deepens as they listen to people who come to visit them, telling of the jobs they do on behalf of the world. Inevitably, their teachers ask, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” 

Many students change their ideas and their replies over time, but since the second grade, Sister Linda Riesberg has known who she wants to be — a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration. Now, 50 years later, after fulfilling this sense of self, she continues to grow into this choice each day. Recently, Show me a sign asked Sister Linda to contemplate her discernment story ...

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a religious sister?

Sister Linda:
I just knew since second grade, and never changed my mind. I don’t know what in particular affected that decision. I thank God every day for my vocation. 

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to become a sister?

Sister Linda:
I wanted to enter the convent after eighth grade, but my parents told me I had to attend two years of high school first. I didn’t like that answer and kept asking them to let me go. After my freshman year, they did: I finished my last three years of high school at St. Mary’s Academy in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, which was a school run by FSPA.  


Sister Linda, 1967

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind?

Sister Linda:
My biggest memories include being received into the novitiate, making promises on Holy Thursday (another step in the incorporation process during that time) and making final vows.  

Show me a sign:
What has been your favorite ministry and why?

Sister Linda:
I particularly enjoyed working with people who are developmentally challenged and have special needs. They taught me a lot about unconditional love, trust and being myself.

The celebration of our 2019 jubilarians continues as they share reflections of gratitude for religious life. Read them here!

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.


Thursday, December 14th 2017 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


As we continue into second week of our Advent pilgrimage, two words have come into my consciousness —discipline and commitment. I am a bit surprised: I typically associate these nouns with Lent yet here they are, popping up in a different season altogether.

It is normally this time of the year when my calendar overwhelms me with the extras of the season like holiday parties, special meal planning, choir practices, decorating and gatherings with friends and family. Suddenly, the extra intentional prayer time I had started at the beginning of Advent vanishes and, racing out the door to another event, I glance longingly at my stack of Advent books. I am grateful for the experiences, yet also I realize there is an invitation to once again reflect on my priorities. Not all the events I attend are ones I want to or perhaps really need to: some are obligations; sometimes it’s hard to say no. Where is the discipline and commitment I started with on day one?

Sunday’s readings call me back to awareness. It’s not too late to prepare my heart. Maybe it’s time to recalculate my pilgrimage and choose another route. Perhaps there is a course less chaotic, immersed in more solitude. I envision a back road beckoning me to slow down and enjoy the Advent scenery.

Image courtesy

Part of making straight the path in my life means making time. It’s time to move some of the boulders in the roadway of my calendar that don’t provide joy and light. It’s time to look at all the possibilities of the next few weeks, set priorities and leave some room for the Spirit and surprises along the way.

In your discernment journey this week, what are the boulders in your path that need to be cleared to make a way for your relationship with Jesus? How are you preparing your heart for this Advent pilgrimage?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

Discernment and Advent: what are you preparing for?

Thursday, November 29th 2018 10:00 am
Amy Taylor, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration


First Sunday of the season shines light on spiritual preparation, reflects discernment

The ringing of the church bell this week not only calls us to Mass but proclaims the beginning of a new year with the First Sunday of Advent. We are roused from our routines of worship and greeted with plumes of incense as we bless the Advent wreath. We are invited to wipe sleep from our eyes to clear our vision and prepare our hearts and souls for the coming of Christ.


Image courtesy

One of the invitations of Advent is to allow the Word of God to soak into our hearts and create space for renewal and relationship. We are challenged to make time for a spiritual preparation of the coming of Jesus, not just the temporal requirements of the season. Many of us will be easily distracted with concerts, holiday parties, volunteering, meals to prepare and many other things that vie for our time. What could make this Advent different, in terms of immersing yourself in the spirit, than any others in the past? 

Set your smart phone alarm as digital encouragement to celebrate Advent with God by appointment. If you are still using a paper calendar, be radical and schedule time for prayer in purple-marker that can’t be erased. Something as simple as reading the Scriptures of the day or listening to them online is also a great way to welcome the Advent season this year. You can do so on the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops website where you will also find a reflection for each day (like Dec. 2).

As we consider the banquet set before us, it is the psalm that serves as a wonderful reminder of the season. How will we make the time to give our attention to prayer, not only during the season of Advent but throughout the whole year?

More questions for reflection:

How will you dedicate time to God this Advent season? 

How have your eyes been opened on this first week of Advent? 

How is this season of Advent mirroring your discernment journey? What are you preparing for … waiting for?


Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? Connect with to be added to our future premiere list. You’ll receive a sneak peek of our future Show me a sign video premieres.

Sister Joan to discerners: 'Religious life can be fulfilling and complete.'

Thursday, October 24th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


She "just knew" that religious life was to be hers


FSPA honors Sister Joan Hageman on her 60th jubilee

We all learn by watching those we admire. Sister Joan Hageman chose to follow in the footsteps of her own heroes — the sisters who were her teachers — and became a Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. Now celebrating 60 years of religious life, Sister Joan recalls the adventures she embraced while ministering throughout the Midwest as an FSPA.   

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a religious sister?

Sister Joan:
I was inspired by the FSPA who were my teachers throughout elementary and middle school. I didn’t think of another vocation. I just knew.  

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to become a sister?  

Sister Joan:
They were surprised and happy. I knew that my mom, in particular, supported and inspired me.  

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind?  

Sister Joan:
I really enjoyed pastoral care. The ministries were delightful, and the sisters I worked with and cared for were special. I also enjoyed cooking. It’s been exciting to see what each ministry has offered me.


Sister Joan receives the joy of the FSPA community for her jubilee. 

Show me a sign:
Which of your ministries has meant the most to you?  

Sister Joan:
Pastoral care, because not only did I help others, but they also helped me gain insight into my own life experiences.  

Show me a sign:
What advice do you have for a woman discerning religious life today?  

Sister Joan:
Trust in God, and know that religious life is a complete and fulfilling way of life.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Want a glimpse into the lives of other FSPA who share their own discernment stories and answers to questions like "How will religious life affect my relationships?" and "What if my family doesn't agree with my choice?" Check out Show me a sign's discernment video series Meet our sisters.

Sister Esther's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, July 30th 2020 10:00 am
Esther Leis, FSPA


Visit us again for new 6 Word Stories of Hope — light-filled reflections in these times of uncertainty.    

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Step boldy into vocation with Sister Dawn! [video]

Monday, November 4th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


"How will religious life affect my relationships?"

As we continue to celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week, Nov. 3 - 9, we invite you to experience Sister Dawn's story about the importance of maintaining relationships with her family and friends as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration.

National Vocation Awareness Week is a big opportunity to take a bold step in your discernment by meeting a sister (or a brother, priest, or deacon) and discover how they live their vocation. Communicators for Women Religious is offering several opportunities for you to do just that throughout the week with the #2019 Meet Our Sisters Tour in Chicago, Illinois. Sister Kristin, a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, will be at Su Casa Catholic Worker House (5045 S. Laffin St.) today (4:30-7 p.m.), Tuesday (10-11:30 p.m.) and Wednesday (4:30 to 7 p.m.). Stop by to see her, learn more about Su Casa’s mission of hospitality and intentional community, and discover how religious sisters serve a society rooted in simplicity, free of violence, and abounding in love there.

And, stay tuned to Show me a sign as we continue to celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week!

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Listening, exploring and discerning like Francis

Friday, October 4th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


"God will be with you each step of the journey to guide, to listen and to offer continual inspiration ..."


Icon of St. Francis of Assisi by Sister Maryam Gossling

Today’s Gospel acclamation, “If today you hear his voice, harden not your heart,” is timely as we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. 

If you are familiar with the life of St. Francis of Assisi, you may recall that while he was out one day, roaming the countryside near Assisi, Italy, he stopped at a church to pray. Praying before the San Damiano Cross in a deteriorating church — Portiuncula — Francis heard God say to him “rebuild my church ...” 

After hearing these words, Francis had to decide whether or not he was going to listen to the request. It took him a while to figure out what exactly those powerful words meant. He didn’t understand what God was asking of him. Thinking it was a literal task, he gathered stones to rebuild by hand the crumbling chapel. In time, Francis realized the call was much deeper. His search for clarity led to conversations with his family, friends, the bishop, the pope, the local mayor, and many others. Men saw his joy and flocked to join his way of life, a pathway that lead to the establishment of a new religious community with a new rule of life approved by the pope. It all began with a few words he heard in prayer, his inclination to trust God and to begin searching. Francis was by no means perfect: he made mistakes and learned throughout his life journey. Conversion is one of the values of Franciscan tradition!

Like Francis, you may receive inspiration or a call from God in prayer. Moving from the idea of discernment to actually living into it requires motivation to discover its true meaning. For example, feeling called to religious life offers much to explore throughout religious communities: evangelical, apostolic or monastic orders, Franciscan, Dominican, Benedictine spirituality (among others), geographical locations and ministerial opportunities. Simultaneously delving into your own gifts and talents helps to discover where you feel a connection. The opinions of family and friends also provide fodder for reflection. Each new discovery leads to next steps and bigger questions. 

No matter where discernment takes you, carry today’s Gospel acclamation, Psalm 95:8, as you journey forth: “If today you hear his voice, harden not your heart.” God will be with you each step of the journey to guide, to listen and to offer continual inspiration, no matter where the exploration leads.  

Are you willing to listen and explore?

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Celebrating the work of making room

Tuesday, December 3rd 2019 4:00 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


"Each moment that God is at our sides, the light grows."


Photo by Yaoqi LAI on Unsplash

As millions around the world observed the lighting of the first Advent candle on Sunday, hope and change are in motion. It’s an invitation to a season of preparation that we receive every year. How will this year be different for you? How will we all see that this year is ripe with opportunity to cultivate the best in all of us? How will we become the light of joy, hope and love blazing against the darkness of violent death, famine, war and destruction. 

Throughout the season of Advent, we have the chance to encounter God and encounter one another. By opening our minds and our hearts we can:

  • Look for opportunities to risk the unknown and discover the light that some will try to snuff out. 
  • Start conversations of depth with the commitment to taking action.  
  • Risk comfort for the sake of reaching out to another. 
  • See our differences not as liabilities but as avenues of learning and appreciation of diversity.  

As we prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, it will mean not just going through the motions of another season, leaping forward to celebration, but making room.

Isaiah sparks our call to imagination by sharing a vision of unity and peace with God as our leader and loving one another as the litmus test for action. Do you see his vision?

Each time we encounter the light of God we are changed. We choose to be open to risking the known for the unknown, to take action when it would be easier to maintain a routine, to be a witness in times that try our souls. Each moment with God is at our side, the light grows. Preparation for the kingdom of God is not confined to four weeks on a calendar but continual. We are meant to be light all year long! 

The wisdom of Scripture continues in the first week of Advent in the words from the Gospel of Matthew. Time is short, we cannot afford to be lazy or to be lulled into a false sense of security of endless days. We are called to keep our eyes on God. To remember that we will one day be asked how we loved. 

Discerning religious life will pose hard questions for you. Advent is a great time to ask yourself if you’re willing to make room for Jesus and the world in your life Are you called to the prophetic life as a vowed religious?  

Advent in action:

What are you noticing in the world around you?  

What are you committing to do for the good of another this Advent season?

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Meg's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, June 18th 2020 10:00 am
Meg Earsley, FSPA


Stay tuned. Show me a sign has more 6 Word Stories of Hope to share.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Celebrating freedom ... from a distance

Saturday, July 4th 2020 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Happy 4th of July!


Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 

Today, may we reach out to one another in peace and unity that spans beyond physical distance and continue to pray for the safety and health of all during this time of global crisis.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.


Sister Mildred's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, August 20th 2020 10:20 am
Mildred Tigges, FSPA


Are Show me a sign's 6 Word Stories of hope inspiring you? More coming soon ...

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Celesta: "What more could I ask?"

Thursday, May 16th 2019 10:15 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


“The tradition I chose … responded to the longing I recognized in myself early on.”


The FSPA community celebrates Sister Celesta's diamond jubilee at St. Rose Convent.

“I had this longing connected to my beliefs but I needed time to discover what that meant,” shares Celesta Day, who for 60 years has served as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration — vowed Franciscan women engaged in furthering the work of the Gospel and the Catholic church.

In celebration of Sister Celesta’s diamond jubilee, Show me a sign asked her to reflect upon discernment of religious life — her personal journey that began before she answered “yes” to God and continues as she lives the Gospel through contemplation and action today.       

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a sister?

Sister Celesta:
It took awhile for me to decide on my vocation. I gave myself a deadline: by the time I finished school. I worked with sisters and observed how they served willingly, took opportunity to reflect and deepen their faith convictions. That seemed to appeal significantly to me, so I chose to enter the convent and began the journey to become an FSPA.

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to live religious life?

Sister Celesta:
Unbelievably! My faith-filled parents were mostly thrilled, knowing that if I chose the convent that dreams of future grandchildren and family growth would change forever. My friends were incredulous. For them, work, fun, dating and planning for the future didn’t relate the life of a “sister.” I recognized that my decision influenced more than my private self.

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind?

Sister Celesta:
The yearning in me has been affirmed and largely supported by my religious life. This lifestyle requires me to take time to reflect, learn, observe and hopefully contribute to the life around me.

It’s likely that my family has expanded far beyond what would have existed, and I chose a different lifestyle. My birth family is at peace with that.

Opportunities in my ministry have exposed me to a wide world of cultures, traditions and customs that expanded my perceptions. The most exciting realization is that I am not finished! My experience and hopefully my transformation will continue until this life ends. What more could I ask?

Show me a sign:
What has been your favorite ministry, and why?

Sister Celesta:
I really enjoyed being a nurse, yet as my ministry has evolved I’ve learned that there is joy in serving many different needs.

Show me a sign:
What advice would you give women discerning religious life today?

Sister Celesta:
Sociologists say “Go with your burn.” The army says,” Be all you can be.” Christ says “Come follow me!” So don’t just go for it, but look for paths that have credible directions attached. The tradition I selected has, for more than 4,000 years, responded to the longing I recognized in myself early on. It has been a great ride. 

May God bless and direct you as you make your life decisions. I’ll pray for you.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series! 

Clearing hurdles with vocation discerners

Thursday, October 25th 2018 10:00 am
Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Amy Taylor


Synod of Bishops, Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration develop new tools for discerning religious life

On Oct. 3, the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment” began in Rome, Italy. Through the 28th, bishops from around the world are discussing ways to help young people navigate the numerous choices placed before them — clearing vocation hurdles — in discerning their path in life. 


Image courtesy

Youth were selected from around the world to gather March 18 - 25 to share their perspective and offer insight for the bishops to consider. During their time together, participants were provided with tools by the Vatican to aid in the development a variety of resources like videos for social media and a working document (available for study prior to the synod) about their opinions and experiences — a collective of the voices of the young women and men who are modern prophets of the time to come. 

I am listening, and something I’m hearing clearly from the next generation is that discouragement in discerning religious life often starts at home. Parents always want what is best for their child but sometimes big dreams — often those of being grandparents — turn conversation into conflict. Parents may also fear separation: long-distance missions that make visits difficult. Siblings sometimes fear the loss of relating to their sister in vocation, and can struggle to understand why she would choose to make such a counter-cultural choice.

Coming soon: Show me a sign to premiere FSPA discernment video series!

Our congregation, Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, is providing support for discerners by bringing these hidden obstacles to conversation in a new video series which will premiere right here in November! Throughout the next several months, you will meet five sisters who share the joys and struggles they experienced in personal relationships as they walked their own pathway of discernment. Perhaps their stories will help you or someone you know who is discerning and looking for ways to build bridges of conversation — clearing vocation hurdles — with family and friends.

Stay tuned!

**Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Rita's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, July 9th 2020 10:00 am
Rita Jansen, FSPA


Watch for new 6 Word Stories, renewed hope and unique inspiration from Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

There's more to Sister Jacinta's discernment story

Thursday, March 28th 2019 10:00 am
Amy Taylor, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration


"It's an opportunity to explain religious life."



Jacinta Jackson, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration

The fourth video in Show me a sign's discernment series — "Will I be able to maintain contact with my family?" — is now available and giving us the opportunity to meet Sister Jacinta Jackson. 

Sister Jacinta's ministry of chemical and mental abuse counseling in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is buoyed by both her family living in several countries around the world and her FSPA family. Her vows and her ministry are, in turn, compelling many of the people she serves to ask questions about religious life. “A client asked me how long I’ve been a religious,” recalls Sister Jacinta. “‘For more than 30 years,’ I answered. ‘Thirty years ... wow!' he replied. 'You’ve given me something to think about.’” 

Read more about Sister Jacinta's ministry in her story in "Questions compel sister to counseling for chemical and mental abuse."

In case you missed it — or the discernment story is calling to you again —  here is the video.


And, Show me a sign invites you to revisit the discernment stories of three other FSPA: Sisters Lucy Slinger, Sarah Hennessey and Dawn Kutt:

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series!

There's more to Sister Laura's discernment story ... [video]

Thursday, June 6th 2019 7:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Infinite support for a daughter's choice, including religious life

The Show me a sign discernment video series continues with Sister Laura Nettles’ story, “How do I navigate my changing role as a daughter?”. In it, Sister Laura shares that her parents have given her one of the biggest, most powerful blessings a child could ever receive: “Throughout my life, they have been there for whatever I’ve chosen to do.” And that includes her decision to live and serve as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration.


Sister Laura teaches religious studies to Viterbo University students

With both the support of her parents and the FSPA community behind her, Sister Laura is ministering as an assistant professor of religious studies at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin. And she’s not just serving, she’s paying that blessing forward to those she teaches — backing them as they too navigate the road ahead. Twenty Viterbo students recently received such gift as they were led by Sister Laura on a trip to Italy, immersed in the impact of St. Francis and St. Clare along the path of serving as future Franciscan leaders. “There is essentially no better way to learn about the larger world, people and cultures than actually being there and living it through one of these experiences,” she shares in a story about the study-abroad trip. For this vision and the others she passes on to her students, Sister Laura was named Viterbo’s 2019 Teacher of the Year.


Sister Laura is honored as Viterbo University's 2019 Teacher of the Year (photo courtesy Viterbo University)

In case you missed it — or her discernment story is calling to you again — you can watch Sister Laura's video “How do I navigate my changing role as a daughter?” by clicking here. You can also revisit the other discernment stories in the Show me a sign video series -- those of Sisters Lucy, Sarah, Dawn and Jacinta!

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister JoAnn's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, July 2nd 2020 10:00 am
JoAnn Serwas, FSPA


Show me a sign and Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration have more inspiration to share. Stay tuned.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

There's more to Sister Sarah's discernment story ... [video]

Thursday, February 7th 2019 10:00 am
Amy Taylor, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration


"I was really interested ... it lit a little fire in my heart."


Sarah Hennessey, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration

"What if my family isn't Catholic? Meet Sister Sarah" is the latest Show me a sign video in our discernment series to premiere. Sister Sarah, like every other woman who has taken vows, has more than one such personal story of discerning religious life. Global Sisters Report recently shared another about Sister Sarah in the article "Sister to sister: Religious reflect on who inspired them to follow God's call." In it, she recalls when her 21-year-old self, during a cultural immersion program, was gifted with a question by Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Cecilia Corcoran: "Did you ever think God might have a call on your life?" Shares Sister Cecilia, "It is a beautiful relationship with which Sarah and I have been blessed."

Visit Global Sisters Report to read more and experience many other sister-to-sister discernment stories.

In case you missed it — or the discernment story is calling to you again —  here is the video "What if my family isn't Catholic? Meet Sister Sarah."

And, Show me a sign invites you to revisit Sister Lucy Slinger in our video series premiere "What if my family doesn't agree with my choice?"

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series!

Sister Amy's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, June 4th 2020 11:10 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

Discerning action, spreading strength in times of great need

Hope is more than a word: it is an invisible, nutrient-dense reservoir of strength, resiliency and creativity. Hope holds the dichotomy of present unrest and future peace. It is the hardy root of our prayer reaching deep into relationship with God who helps to nourish the brave new tendrils of growth. Sharing hope with one another germinates new possibilities. The winds of collaboration carry the precious, newly-formed seeds to new places, transforming the landscape of our world.

This Show me a sign blog post is the first in the new series "6 Word Stories of Hope" that features inspiration shared by many Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. Their stories reflect FSPA's mission and vision, "prayer, witness and service," so critical to us all in this time of uncertainty.

We invite you to take their words of wisdom with you as you face each new day, opening yourself to new possibilities.

And perhaps these 6 Word Stories will enlighten you to discernment of religious life.

Stay tuned for more Show me a sign 6 Word Stories.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Discerning our love in the world ... today

Thursday, February 14th 2019 10:00 am
Amy Taylor, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration


"How we love, who we love and who loves us are at the heart of discernment."



Image courtesy

Today we celebrate Valentine’s Day: the customary day each year when love is the topic of much conversation and measured in worth by cards, balloons, chocolates and flowers. These are all wonderful gestures, but what about the other 364 days of the year? How do we understand that calculating love in currency never works? There is no corresponding chart that shows the irreplaceable value of a friend who waits with you for results of a medical test, a stranger who stops to help you change your tire or a neighbor who shovels your snow-covered driveway. Acts of kindness — acts of love — are worth more than a single vase of roses on a day in February.

Paul wrote about this kind of love long before it was declared a holiday. The passage deserves pondering every day. What does it mean to be a person of love and kindness in our world? What happens when love is inconvenient? What happens when loving humanity challenges us to consider how we treat each other? 

Love begs our attention. It wears many disguises. It can call forth the best and the worst in each of us depending on our intent. How we love, who we love and who loves us are at the heart of discernment.

So, who or what do you love?

How are you called to be love?

How could religious life call you to be a person of love in the world?

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series!

Sister Donna to discerners: "Get out there. Try something adventurous."

Thursday, July 25th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

“Be humble and listen to everything around you.”


Donna Stevens, FSPA: 50 years of ministry as a woman religious

Life is ever-changing. Perceptions of who we are develop over time as we gain confidence in the transition. Sister Donna recalls that some did not believe she would last one week in the convent.  

Now, as she celebrates 50 years of vowed religious life, Show me a sign has asked Sister Donna to share her journey of discernment and ongoing commitment as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration.  

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a sister?

Sister Donna:
I didn’t really know what I wanted, but the idea came in 8th grade because I adored my teacher, Sister Martha. She talked with me after school while we waited for mom to leave work and pick me up. She also gave me fun books to read. It wasn’t until many years later that I really chose religious life, and it wasn’t easy for me. I still choose to live it every day. It’s never been a “done deal” for me. 

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to become a religious sister?

Sister Donna:
My family and friends and just about everyone I knew didn’t believe it. The general reply was “You will not last one week!”

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind?

It’s when I return to our motherhouse, St. Rose Convent, after being away on mission for a while, and receive a warm welcome from others. I love coming home and recharging! I also love the liturgies in Mary of the Angels Chapel, when we all lift our voices in prayer and song. It fills my soul. I don’t get much of this where I minister. I mostly spend my time nurturing folks; showing hope, compassion and tenderness.  

Show me a sign:
What has been your favorite ministry and why?  


Sister Donna with two friends at the Butterfly Treatment Drop-In Center (image courtesy of Butterfly Drop-In Treatment Center)

Sister Donna:
I am fortunate that I have truly loved every ministry that I have been engaged in. I truly loved nursing and I truly love what I do now in healing the broken-hearted as a therapist.  

Show me a sign:
What advice would you give women discerning religious life today?

Sister Donna:
I would encourage women not to be afraid. Get out there. Try something adventurous. Be humble and listen to everything around you. You will hear what the Creator is inviting you to be.  

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Celebrating discernment, diversity, family and Francis

Friday, October 11th 2019 10:10 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


In Chicago, Franciscan formation families came together to honor St. Francis 



Residents of the FSPA formation house in Chicago include Sisters Helen Elsbernd, Sister Michele Pettit (novitiate), Sister Julia Walsh, Sister Corrina Thomas, FSPA novice director, and Sister Meg Earsley, novitiate (photo courtesy of Sister Julia Walsh, taken by Sister Eileen McKenzie).

It is vital to celebrate people and events that shape our culture. For Franciscans, October 3rd and 4th of every year serve as reminders of the life and death of St. Francis of Assisi. Each Franciscan congregation celebrates in a unique way, and our community held a celebration at our motherhouse, St. Rose Convent, in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Those of us living and ministering in the area gathered on the evening of Oct. 3 in Mary of the Angels Chapel for Transitus — a special prayer service honoring the passing of St. Francis from death into eternal life, followed by a reception. The celebration continued the next day as we honored the life of St. Francis at a Mass commemorating his death. Sisters and FSPA staff then gathered to share fellowship over lunch.  

Simultaneously, Transitus and Feast of St. Francis celebrations were held wherever FSPA live and minister. Adding to the joyfulness this year is a new community formation house in Chicago, Illinois, where our canonical novices are living and studying, guided by Sister Corrina Thomas, FSPA novice director, and other members of the community. The novitiate phase of discernment is two years, a time in which novices learn more about the church, the community’s constitution, and vows of celibacy, obedience, and poverty. Novices spend time integrating Franciscan values into their lives.

Show me a sign was curious to find out how our formation house members celebrated the Feast of St. Francis, so we caught up with Sister Meg Earsley, an FSPA novice who recently moved to Chicago to live and discern as a there.  

Show me a sign: 
How did you celebrate Transitus and the Feast of St. Francis — your first Franciscan feast day away from St. Rose?  

Sister Meg:
Our formation house decided to join other Franciscan communities to celebrate. Here in Chicago, there are several religious congregations that we attend classes with at Chicago Theological Union. We also attend classes with others in the Inner Community Novitiate. It’s a collaborative learning endeavor established to educate women and men who are in the process of becoming members of religious congregations. We were invited to several celebrations through our connections with them.

We honored Transitus with the formation community of the Capuchin Franciscan Friars. The prayer service was incredibly moving: they carried a Franciscan habit laid across a stretcher as if it were the body of St. Francis and sang some of the ancient chants from his canonization. The church was filled with Capuchin Franciscans, our formation house community, other religious community members and parish members. After the prayer service, we all went to the parish hall for food, fellowship and the opportunity to meet others.

Show me a sign: 
How did you celebrate the Feast Day of St. Francis?

Sister Meg: 
We began with our daily morning prayer in the chapel space of our formation house and continued in a unique way: we invited Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, to come and meet with us about the possibility of having the Blessed Sacrament in our chapel. He toured the space and granted us permission. We are really happy to have this blessing in our formation house.  


Traditional St. Francis Day almond cookies, baked by Sister Meg (photo by Sister Meg Earsley)

After the departure of Bishop Perry, we visited the Order of Friars Minor’s formation house. We know these novices and their formation community because they also participate in our classes. I baked almond cookies, a Franciscan tradition, to share. (There is a story about St. Francis: as he lay dying, he asked his friend Lady Jacoba to come for one last visit and bring the almond cookies that he liked.) We celebrated Mass and enjoyed dinner, including the almond cookies, together. One of the OFM novices was a chef before entering religious life and continues to use his gift by cooking for his community.  

Show me a sign: 
It sounds like you had a great celebration with many friends and new acquaintances. What a blessing it is that you are experiencing the diversity of the Franciscan family. I think St. Francis would be happy, as many stories of his life are about companionship with people and the centrality of prayer. You honored both in your two-day celebration in Chicago!

Here are some questions for all of us, including discerners, to ponder:

  • What are some of the traditions that your local parish community celebrates?
  • Is there a particular saint that has been inspirational in your faith life? 
  • How do you celebrate their feast day?  
  • What are some of the traditions that your local parish community celebrates?

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Carrying the wounds of the cross

Thursday, September 15th 2016 12:00 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



San Damiano Cross by Craig Nilsson

On Saturday, Sept. 17, Franciscans around the world will celebrate the Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis.

You may be wondering what stigmata signifies.

When Jesus was crucified he received markings on his hands and his feet from the nails that held him to the cross, and a wound in his side from a lance thrust into his body after his death. It is a mystery why some are chosen to bear these same, sacred wounds from the Lord’s own body—stigmata—as did St. Francis of Assisi. He prayed for the privilege of stigmata in effort to understand both the intense love and suffering Jesus experienced. St. Francis concealed these signs from others, though, as he wanted to follow in the footsteps of Jesus—not become a spectacle. His desire was to remain humble.

Francis surrendered his body and soul to God. While most of us will not be chosen to carry the physical wounds of Christ on our bodies, Francis offers us a deep lesson as once again he calls us to give all we are to God.

Discernment is about openness in choosing a path that expands one’s life on behalf of others. The world needs religious women and men; healthy marriages and vibrant single individuals. Each vocation, when in harmony with who you are, radiates the light of Christ.

How is your life marked—celebrated—as a follower of Jesus?

Is there room for both love and suffering in your discernment?


'Christ is among us and in each of us.'

Monday, April 13th 2020 9:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



"It is not the end ... it's a new beginning."


Photo by Ron Smith on Unsplash

Our faith beckons us to remember that hope and joy can prevail where once only terror and death reigned. We are an Easter people, called forth to continue to proclaim the good news and to search for light where there is temptation to perceive only darkness, especially in a world held hostage by COVID-19. Our hearts are breaking for those losing their lives without the comfort of their family, friends and faith communities. Our prayers are with the healthcare providers who are risking their lives with compassion. We are given statistics and brace ourselves for the wave that is gathering energy here in the United States. We prepare for possibilities and pray for miracles. This is an Easter season markedly different than most others. 

As we prioritize prayer and pause, we remember that over 2,000 years ago, another community much like ours was also struggling with death — the death of Jesus whose body was placed in a tomb. There was no funeral celebration, no gathering by the thousands of people he once served, led, healed and, most importantly, loved. Worlds were turned upside down as friends, family members and one-time mission partners sheltered in place, weathering the storm of loss and the danger of their own possible death. Not death from a virus, but through relationship with Jesus.

From the Gospel of John, we hear the story of Mary Magdalene who goes in search of her beloved friend and mentor, Jesus, but cannot find his body. She rallies fellow disciples Simon Peter and others, explaining her discovery of an empty tomb and the visceral desire to take action. Grief, pain, worry, and anger are just a few of the emotions coursing through their hearts as they struggled to make sense of the scene before them. Navigating uncharted territory, the community does not yet realize the meaning of what they are witnessing.

Today, our struggle to understand the meaning of the times we are facing echoes this recounting.

With hearts broken, in the depths of despair, we cling to the words in Matthew’s Gospel that widen our vision. The angel of the Lord’s words are like balm restoring joy to our ailing souls. The tomb is transformed from a place of ultimate sadness to a space in which we can begin to understand eternal life. The tomb is empty. Jesus is not there. Tears of pain turn to tears of joy as they sprint to share the good news. But before reaching their destination they encounter Jesus who encourages them to keep going, to go tell the others and to know that they will meet again. It is not the end. Instead, it’s a new beginning.

And so, as we scour the news for stories of recovery and inspiration in the midst of widespread loss, we too are watching the tomb. I have found two such stories that radiate hope: one of a 90-year-old woman and the other about a 101-year-old man. They are the human proclamation of joy. Reminiscent of Mary Magdalene’s haste, their stories race towards the world with hope!

As we socially distance and follow the mandates of the CDC, let us also look for the signs of hope and joy in our midst.

Christ is among us and in each of us.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Step boldly into National Vocation Awareness Week!

Friday, November 1st 2019 7:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


"Is God calling me to discern religious life as a sister, brother, priest or deacon?"

As we celebrate All Saints and All Souls, we remember that most of humanity has, at one time or another, wrestled with the question “Who am I called to be?” In celebration of National Vocation Awareness Week, Nov. 3 - 9, Show me a sign is inviting you to discern what is perhaps an emerging question: “Is God calling me to discern religious life as a sister, brother, priest or deacon?” 

Prayer, conversation, research and action are all important aspects of discerning a vocation. And so we invite you to do just that.

We encourage you to pray and talk to God about your vocation. Commit to spending a specific time with God. Write it down. Don’t just think about taking time to pray, make it happen.  


Perpetual adoration – round-the-clock prayer that FSPA began in 1878 – is practiced in the St. Rose Convent Perpetual Adoration Chapel in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Talk with friends or family members you trust about what they see as your gifts and talents and the possibility that religious life could be a wonderful way for you to use them.  


Sisters Jacinta Jackson, Sarah Hennessey, Dawn Kutt, Laura Nettles and Lucy Slinger support each other through discernment and beyond. Image courtesy of Vendi Advertising. 

The internet is a great tool for learning more about religious life. Here are some excellent websites to visit as you begin your journey of discovery. Be aware of the questions that come to your mind as you visit each site:

Take action:
National Vocation Awareness Week is a big opportunity to take a bold step in your discernment by meeting a sister (or a brother, priest, or deacon) and discover how they live their vocation. Communicators for Women Religious is offering several opportunities for you to do just that throughout the week with the #2019 Meet Our Sisters Tour in Chicago, Illinois. Sister Kristin, a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, will be at Su Casa Catholic Worker House (5045 S. Laffin St.) this Monday (4:30-7 p.m.), Tuesday (10-11:30 p.m.) and Wednesday (4:30 to 7 p.m.). Stop by to see her, learn more about Su Casa’s mission of hospitality and intentional community, and discover how religious sisters serve a society rooted in simplicity, free of violence, and abounding in love there.

And, stay tuned to Show me a sign as we celebrate National Vocations Awareness Week!

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Images of discernment: what's missing?

Thursday, January 17th 2019 10:00 am
Amy Taylor, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration


Discernment ... can sometimes be inspired by reflecting on what is absent



Image courtesy pixabay

Have you ever been flipping through a magazine and come across a “spot the difference” image puzzle — two photos that appear to be identical yet contain slight dissimilarities for you to find? Perhaps a chain in the first picture is missing a link in the second image, which, if you thought about it before moving on in the puzzle, would make the metal implement less structurally sound, less effective.

What if the missing piece to the puzzle — the lost link in the chain — is you? The support and the strengths and the gifts that only you can give? Discerning what is next in your life can sometimes be inspired by reflecting on what is absent. You may have a fulfilling job and comfortable home; a car in the garage and loving friends and family by your side, but also a nagging feeling that something to make you more complete is missing.

Sometimes, choosing to volunteer and reach out beyond your comfort zone can help you identify an absence in your life and also spark new insight to the greater needs in your community. Who are the people lined up outside of the brick building you pass every night on your commute home? What is human trafficking and why is there a billboard bringing awareness to it in my city? 

What is lacking in these images depicting such great human need?

Are you discerning a call to service beyond volunteering  — perhaps religious life? 

Are you that missing link? 

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series!

The grace of perseverance

Wednesday, August 5th 2020 12:30 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


"You have called me," declared Sister Michele Pettit (beginning at 32:30), making her first vows as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration at Viterbo University's San Damiano Chapel in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Joy permeated San Damiano Chapel in La Crosse, Wisconsin, on Saturday, July 25, 2020, as Sister Michele Pettit professed her first vows as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration. In a confident, clear voice that could not be silenced by a COVID-19 mask, Sister Michele boldly declared poverty, consecrated celibacy and obedience for three years as an FSPA. 


From left, Sisters Corrina Thomas, Michele Pettit and Eileen McKenzie

Those who gathered to witness Sister Michele’s declaration of these vows (following social distancing guidelines) read words of support and acceptance from behind their own masks. Thunderous applause erupted and smiling eyes beamed around the chapel as Sister Michele walked back to her seat. Like Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi before her, Sister Michele offers light and life to a world encountering darkness, this time in the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic, racial divides and economic disparity. She will be here when humanity celebrates the joys of life, sorrows and even the mundane. Life in God and with God will always be an adventure. 

Nourished by the Word of God and at the table of the Eucharist, we exited through the chapel doors, renewed and filled with hope, ready to encounter the reality of life outside. 

A virtual reception met Sister Michele as many sisters logged onto Zoom and offered words of encouragement for her new life as a vowed FSPA. They shared with her a traditional greeting for newly-professed sisters: “May God give you the grace of perseverance.” And while Michele is making community history as the first person to make first vows during the COVID-19 pandemic — a true test of this sentiment — she is in good company. Twenty-two FSPA made first vows during the flu pandemic of 1918. They too knew that their call from God to religious life would find a way, even in the midst of human trials. Sister Michele now becomes the connection to future generations of FSPA.   

Is God calling you to join the next generation, to discern religious life?

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Discernment iridescent this new year

Tuesday, January 1st 2019 10:00 am
Amy Taylor, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration


Happy New Year!


Image courtesy

May it be filled with exciting adventure as you discern how God is calling you to serve.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series!

Spiritual dust in the season of spring cleaning

Thursday, May 14th 2020 12:05 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


"It's hard to ignore a sneeze" that opens your mind to living your faith life.


Photo by Jan Kop?iva on Unsplash

With the arrival of spring comes the season of cleaning. Now is the time to open the curtains that have kept your homes warm and cozy all winter and let in the beautiful sunshine. Streams of light may reveal dust lurking in dark corners and many months of grime accumulating on window panes. Perhaps clutter has overtaken closets and countertops. As we diligently pull out our dust rags and buckets and move furniture to get at those baseboards, our world temporarily shifts. 

Now is also a good time to open the curtains to the windows of your spirit, to remove clutter that may be clogging up your communication with God. What if, buried underneath, covered in dust, there are unopened love letters from God? Invitations to discern religious life, sent to you in triplicate, enumerating your gifts, talents and propensity to flourish when helping others in need? These messages may be covered in dust, spiritual dust. Spiritual dust is tricky and can set off sneezes with surprising momentum. It’s hard to ignore a sneeze, especially one that clears your mind. Provides clarity. Reveals a plan for living the faith life that has been inside you all this time.

When your clutter is cleared, your cleaning is done and your house the physical and the spiritual is put back in order, sit down and read God’s letters. Entertain the invitations and discern what they are calling you to perhaps cleansing the world of the evils of starvation, physical and mental abuse, global warming, gender inequality, racial divides, societal hierarchy, corrupt institutions, education disparity and other suffocating pollutants all around us. Discern the light radiating from you: is it brightest when it shines in collaboration with others with whom you can unite in a commitment to living together and sharing Gospel mission? Is it guiding you to religious life?

How will you begin spring cleaning and ask God to guide you in this new season of your life?

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sharing wisdom with women discerning religious life ...

Thursday, July 18th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


"The world needs women and men to respond to the greatest needs of humanity."


Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Lorraine Forster 

For 75 years, Lorraine Forster has served as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration — a community of vowed Franciscan women engaged in furthering the work of the Gospel and the Catholic church.

In celebration of Sister Lorraine’s diamond jubilee, Show me a sign asked her to reflect upon discernment of religious life — her personal journey that began before she answered “yes” to God and continues as she lives the Gospel through contemplation and action today.       

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a sister?

Sister Lorraine:
It just seemed to be my way. I was taught by FSPA, and I also had a great aunt in the community.

Show me a sign:
How did your family react when you first told them that you wanted to be a sister?

Sister Lorraine:
They were pleased. Both sides of my family are devoted Catholics.


Sister Lorraine, ministering as a teacher of religious education 

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind?

Sister Lorraine:
The building of the FSPA-founded institution Viterbo University, the dedication of our nurses and teachers and the day I made my first profession of vows.  

Show me a sign:
What has been your favorite ministry and why?  

Sister Lorraine:
Teaching children in secondary grades. I love youth and serving as a teacher to them.  

Show me a sign:
What advice would you give to a woman discerning religious life today?  

Sister Lorraine:
The world needs the joint effort of women and men to respond to its greatest needs — education, health care and serving the poor.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Reflection 1: gaze, consider, contemplate, imitate ... discern [video]

Thursday, February 20th 2020 7:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

"What would happen if, instead of seeking personal wealth, I chose to work for the good of others?

Show me a sign Discernment Meditation: Reflection 1

Welcome to a place of reflection, inspired by the advice given to Agnes of Prague by St. Clare of Assisi, upon the discernment of religious life. As a princess transitioning into consecrated life, Agnes wrote to Clare asking for guidance on how to grow in her relationship with Christ. St. Clare offered the words gaze ... consider ... contemplate ... imitate.

Show me a sign invites you to gaze, consider, contemplate and imitate with our 14-day discernment meditation series as your guide. Let them stir within you -- inspire you, as they did Agnes -- through your day, your week, or perhaps a transitional time all your own.

Maybe such reflection includes discernment of religious life.

View the next meditation in our series
"Reflection 2: What would life look like if I chose to live with others who also want to make a difference?"


Joy in the waiting

Sunday, December 15th 2019 9:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


What experiences in your life inspire trust and new discernment steps?


Image courtesy

Joy is contagious. Ask a child you know, “How do you feel with Christmas just two weeks away?” Their eyes light up; they dance in place as joy beyond words escapes their little body, their whole being. It’s a jubilance that many of us share on the third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, which means rejoice! The rose-colored candle on the Advent wreath casts a warm reassuring glow as there is joy in the waiting.

And it’s a joy that can also fill discernment of religious life.

The prophet Isaiah exuberantly expresses the providence of God in our first reading. With lavish care, God shows his great love with not just one small example but with expansive artistry that transforms the parched, scorched, barren spaces in our lives to be places of great beauty.  

Pondering the magnificence of this image, I can’t help but recall the photos of the super bloom that happened in California this past March. The images of the flowers I saw online were captivating, the colors amazing. They gave me a sense of hope amid continual snow showers still occurring in Wisconsin at the time; thoughts of spring sure to come encouraged me every time I had to pick up my shovel. Signs of hope in the midst of trial aid the cultivation of resilience and patience.

James, in the second reading, reminds us that waiting produces maturity and bounty. Patience also generates endurance. While we desire the days leading to celebration to pass quickly, time moves at the pace of its own wisdom. In discernment, you may be waiting in joyful anticipation for a sign revealing to you where you see yourself living fully into the person God calls you to be, to the congregation in which you can best fulfill your gifts. Visiting and praying and pondering are actions, investments, essential for finding your future happiness. 

As we turn our attention to the Gospel, to John the Baptist, all of these gifts  — joy, patience and endurance  —  come to fruition. He has been faithful to his prophetic mission and the world rewarded him with imprisonment. He dared to speak the truth to power. You may ask, where is joy in prison? John did not lose all hope: he took action by sending his disciples to learn more about Jesus.

Can you imagine the joy his disciples carried as they rushed back to share the good news of the growing belief in Jesus with the man who inspired their own choices to follow Jesus? The joy of good news is contagious.

Perhaps when you share the good news of your discernment, others may also be inspired to consider religious life.

Advent in action: 

What are the joys you celebrate in your discernment on this Gaudete Sunday?

What experiences in your life, those that deepen joy and your relationship with God, inspire trust and new steps in discernment?

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Discerning action, new adventure in Lent and religious life

Thursday, April 11th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Lent: 'making space for the new adventures God is inviting us to.'


Image courtesy of

In every action and adventure movie I’ve seen, the main character finds themselves in a seemingly impossible situation. All protagonists, like Wonder Woman, face choices that will impact life in ways not yet imagined, result in consequences that bring blessings and challenges. Each decision impacts experiences to come.  

Discernment can feel like you’re living in such a film. New challenges arise, cause confusion, overwhelm and sometimes make your next move feel impossible. Potential movement for discerners of religious life can be literal: am I open to exploring a community far from home, away from my family and friends? How does one not get stymied in indecision and find a way to move through the experience?  

There is wisdom offered for all who reflect and pray with the readings from the Fifth Sunday of Lent. Isaiah reminds us of the point of peril that the Israelites faced as they fled Egypt, the charioteers hot on their heels and water looming in front of them. The scene was bleak but God acted, parting the water. The Israelites escaped and the army met their watery grave. Who would have seen that coming … water transformed into dry land just long enough for the escape? When it is least expected, God often provides a new route on the horizon. 

The Gospel from John also carries the theme of life on the brink of disaster. The Pharisees posed a double threat — attempting to trick Jesus into misinterpreting a law and endangering a woman’s life (in death by stoning) in the process. Neither ploy works. Jesus stops the advancement of the Pharisees and the woman is spared. Just when all seems lost, a saving grace arises. 

Sometimes what looks like the end is actually the first step of a new beginning, but it takes commitment to prayer and reflection to discern what is happening. It means asking the hard questions: to where am I being called, led, invited? It may also require adjusting your perception of a situation. There will be times of heartache and pain; when one moment ends to give space for a new time to arise. The Israelites had to leave Egypt, the woman had to choose to move beyond her former choices. The new way forward will bring change and challenges along with new blessings.  

Lent is a season in which we are invited to deepen our commitment to God, to see the parts of our lives that need to change and make space for the new adventures God is inviting us to. Letting go can be a way of letting God in.  

What adventure God is offering for you to consider?

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series!

Sister Marian's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, July 23rd 2020 10:00 am
Marian Massman, FSPA


Stay tuned: there are more stories of hope to come in this Show me a sign series!

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Christ has risen!

Sunday, April 12th 2020 9:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Happy Easter from Show me a sign


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

May the joy of the resurrection of Jesus fill our hearts this day and throughout the Easter Season.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

It's time to rejoice!

Wednesday, December 25th 2019 9:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Celebrating the greatest gift of all


Photo by Daniel Seßler on Unsplash

May this day be filled with love and joy as you recall the birth of Jesus.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Jolyce: "... my life, my decision."

Thursday, August 22nd 2019 12:00 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


“Let the joy of religious life gradually unfold!”


Sister Jolyce Greteman

“... it was my life and my decision,” was the ultimate advice Sister Jolyce Greteman received from her mother early on in her formation more than six decades ago. Now celebrating her 60th jubilee as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, Sister Jolyce shares more about how the support of her family led to a life of furthering the work of the Gospel and the Catholic church.  

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a sister?  

Sister Jolyce:
My education was in a parish school and I also attended a Catholic high school. I enjoyed helping the sisters, especially in grade school. From early childhood, I wanted to be like the sisters who taught me.  

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to become a religious sister?

Sister Jolyce:
Everyone supported me, especially my parents. Religious vocations were common, especially in my dad’s family. Four men became priests and another a bishop. And one woman became an FSPA before me too: Sister Ann Greteman, a musician.  


Sister Jolyce is a member of the FSPA class of 1959.

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA come to mind?

Sister Jolyce:
I think back to my parents visiting me at the convent for the first time. Formation, 60 years ago, was different than it is today: it was common to see your parents only occasionally. My dad died after that visit. It was the last time that I saw him alive. 

I went home for his funeral. My family owned a neighborhood grocery store, and I asked Mom if I should leave the convent and come home to run it. She responded that it was my life and my decision. I decided to go back to La Crosse, and someone bought the store. My mother was so heroic. She was 56 at the time and lived to be 81! 

Show me a sign:
What has been your favorite ministry, and why?

Sister Jolyce:
As an FSPA archivist, I enjoyed learning about the community’s history and sharing our stories. I also enjoyed 29 years of teaching middle and upper grades. Storytelling, as both a teacher and as an archivist, energized me.  

Show me a sign:
Do you have any advice to share with women discerning religious life today?

Sister Jolyce:
Just let the joy of religious life gradually unfold!

The celebration of our 2019 jubilarians continues as they share reflections of gratitude for religious life. Read them here!

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

Sister Helen's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, August 13th 2020 10:00 am
Helen Elsbernd, FSPA


Show me a sign and Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration have more inspiration to share. Stay tuned.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Honoring legacy, service

Monday, May 25th 2020 9:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Care for our common good never forgotten


Photo by Daniel Foster on Unsplash

Let us take a moment of silence today to pray for peace in our world and to remember the brave military women and men who selflessly lost their lives in service to our country. May their legacy of care for the common good of all not be forgotten.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Discerning love in action

Thursday, April 18th 2019 8:30 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Giving witness this Holy Week



Image by Sister Amy Taylor

As we begin the celebration of Holy Week may we observe love in action.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series! 


Sister Sarah's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, June 11th 2020 10:00 am
Sarah Hennessey, FSPA

Religious life: united with others, living strong relationships 

Visit us again to experience new Show me a sign 6 Word Stories of Hope.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Discerning from both sides of the river bank

Sunday, December 8th 2019 7:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


How we encounter and react "is indicative of how we're living our faith life." 


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Light continues to radiate in each Scripture reading for this second Sunday of Advent. Isaiah reminds all to hold on to hope. What seems to be impossible — adversaries putting aside their harmful ways to live in peace and respect of one another — will become reality. New ways of existing will be found, collaboration will occur, old patterns will be redrawn.  

In our world, our neighborhoods and our families today, we also must put down old conversations and begin new ones. Tell new stories too. Violence is a tale of winners and losers, oppressors and the oppressed, and peace is one of commitment to changing the narrative. We are invited to begin within ourselves, to examine how we easily categorize others as either lambs or wolves.

In the second reading, Romans 15:4-9, we are reminded that Scripture is a place that all of us can go to gain wisdom, insight and invitation as we face the daily challenges of life. The words endurance and encouragement leap from the text. Life will not be a problem-free existence. Endurance will call for strength, courage and humility, and the commitment to endurance will also provide encouragement, hope and joy.  

Life is full of encounters: how we choose to act in each one of them is indicative of how we’re living our faith. A clear account of such adversity in action is the story of John the Baptist. Opposing groups meet on the banks of the river, each seeing a different path to God, each claiming to know the “right way.” But in our time, when we face our own conflicts and challenges, how do we find the correct path?  

Discernment is a calling to look beyond the easy answers. It is a skill to choose a specific path of life to pursue  — single, married or consecrated. It is a delving into the questions that simple answers fail to satisfy. It is a call to look from both sides of the river banks.  

Advent in action:

Ponder for a moment a current conflict between yourself and someone in your life. How can you recognize the divide you’ve accepted? How can you commitment to non-combative conversation? What could be a collaborative way to enter into dialogue?  

Finding your way to peace within yourself and with others is the work of preparing your heart for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, whose mission was to bring about a different way of living life.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Lives that sparkle among us [Video]

Thursday, May 2nd 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


A lifetime begins with a vocations invitation … and a “yes” to the calling.


Sister Karen Neuser shares elation and gratitude during her 60-year jubilee celebration.

With joyful witness, FSPA's 2019 jubilee season recently kicked off. It began with a day to celebrate the selflessness given by those who've served the needs of the world for 75, 70 and 60 years as vowed women religious.

Learn more about the discernment of religious life that led to these decades of mission in an upcoming Show me a sign series featuring jubilarians who share, in their own words, their amazing experiences of ministry.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series! 

Discernment and Advent: called to new life

Thursday, December 6th 2018 10:00 am
Amy Taylor, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration


"God creates ways to fill in the holes we're convinced might swallow us up"


Image courtesy

Life, as well all know, includes instances in which things don’t work out the way we plan and dream. It could be an important exam that, despite long hours of study, garners a bad grade; disappoints and shatters your confidence. Or, perhaps it is the sudden end to a relationship that breaks your heart. It is in these raw, emotionally exhausting and vulnerable experiences that we stand before God, mourning our losses and grappling with what feels like the worst time in life — one leading to doubts and questions of our own motives, goals and identity.

If you’ve ever sunk to the depths of such despair — your own rock bottom — you will understand this week’s first reading as we hear the words from Baruch. The people are in agony; separated and lost with thoughts that they have been forgotten. But this is not true. God calls them to new life; reminds them that all is not lost. They will be happy again. They will have all they need. They are called out of mourning, reassured and given a renewed sense of purpose. With God’s encouragement, the fading light of what looks like the end can actually reveal the footholds of a new beginning — not only survival but hope and happiness.

God‘s light and love never dissipates. Friends and family pray you through, even if silently; under the guise of leaving you to find your own way through grief or challenge. They, like God, have not abandoned you in your time of need. 

The Gospel is yet another source of encouragement, reminding us all this Advent season that every experience in life can be a stepping stone as we move into the future. God creates ways to fill in the holes we’re convinced might swallow us up.

As we reflect on the second week of Advent let us consider …

•    How has God guided you along a treacherous path to restore your joy?
•    How are you paying it forward and helping a friend or family member who may be suffering?
•    How have you experienced disappointment or loss on your discernment journey? 
•    How has God been with you … every step of the way?

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series!


There's more to Sister Dawn's discernment story

Tuesday, March 12th 2019 10:00 am
Amy Taylor, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration


The gifts of "goodness ... wisdom" guiding her call to leadership

Sister Dawn Kutt is living her "call to leadership"
as an 
 FSPA Leadership Team mission councilor.

The third video in Show me a sign's discernment series — "How will religious life affect my relationships?" — is now available and giving us the opportunity to "Meet Sister Dawn." 

Sister Dawn Kutt's ministry in religious life as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration has encompassed health care and now, after a new kind of discernment, includes leadership as a mission councilor for the community. And just as her discernment of religious life was supported by family, friends and FSPA, so too was her contemplation of the call to leadership. Show me a sign asked Sister Dawn about the gifts she's received — the "goodness" and "wisdom" that continue to give her guidance today.


Sister Dawn serves many, young and old, in her ministry of health care.

Show me a sign: How do you rely on friends and family for support as you encounter the joys and challenges of new ministry in community leadership?

Sister Dawn: My family and friends have always been very supportive of my decision to enter religious life, and throughout the discernment process that led me to leadership for my community I looked to them to share with me the gifts they thought I could give FSPA as a mission councilor. 

And as I begin my new ministry of community leadership, family and friends give me that balance between work and play. They also love to hear of the goodness I receive through the various community celebrations and milestones, and what it is that I find life-giving in this elected position. Of course, just as there are joys there are challenges to which I only ask them to pray for me, to pray for the wisdom and grace to do my best for the good of the whole.

Show me a sign: How is your FSPA community supporting you as you begin new ministry in leadership?

Sister Dawn: The FSPA community has been very supportive during this time of transition and change. I rely on the sisters to give us, the leadership team, honest conversation and feedback as we continue to build our future together. Having a leader in every chair allows us to tap into their wisdom and knowledge to which affirms that we all walk together to make a difference in the world.

In case you missed it — or the discernment story is calling to you again —  here is the video "How will religious life affect my relationships? Meet Sister Dawn."

And, Show me a sign invites you to revisit the discernment stories of two other FSPA: Sarah Hennessey and Lucy Slinger:


Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series!

Discerning love in action

Wednesday, April 18th 2018 7:40 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Giving witness this Holy Week


Image by Sister Amy Taylor

As we begin the celebration of Holy Week may we observe love in action.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series! 

Step boldly into vocation: Giving Voice

Tuesday, November 5th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Sharing Gospel living and the desire to "Live Religious Life NOW!"


Nearly 80 women of over 40 congregations, including several FSPA, came together for the 2019 National Giving Voice Gathering (image courtesy of Sophie Vodvarka).

Religious life is a vibrant and wonderful way to further the mission of the Gospel just one of the reasons to celebrate as we honor National Vocation Awareness Week, Nov. 3 - 9. Today, I am living out this ministry as a member of the FSPA community vowed Franciscan women centered in Eucharist, committed to be loving presence through prayer, witness and service.

I am also sharing Gospel living with other women religious from around the world through my association with Giving Voice, a peer-led organization of religious women under the age of 50. Sisters gather from all different congregations to share in the joy of religious life and the many ways it flourishes around out world. They recently came together to celebrate — to “Live Religious Life NOW!”  and created this video to share their experience:

Watch it and ask yourself: Are you called to add your voice to the conversation of religious life?

National Vocation Awareness Week is a big opportunity to take a bold step in your discernment by meeting a sister (or a brother, priest, or deacon) and discover how they live their vocation. Communicators for Women Religious is offering several opportunities for you to do just that throughout the week with the #2019 Meet Our Sisters Tour in Chicago, Illinois. Sister Kristin, a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, will be at Su Casa Catholic Worker House (5045 S. Laffin St., Chicago) today from 10-11:30 p.m. and Wednesday from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Stop by to see her, learn more about Su Casa’s mission of hospitality and intentional community, and discover how religious sisters serve a society rooted in simplicity, free of violence, and abounding in love there.

And, stay tuned to Show me a sign as we continue to celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week!

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Rejoice in love and resurrection

Sunday, April 21st 2019 7:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Joy and Easter blessings to you


Image courtesy

May our hearts overflow with joy as we celebrate God’s love for us and the resurrection of Christ this Easter Season.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series! 

Step boldy into vocation with Sister Laura! [video]

Thursday, November 7th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Sister Laura adds her voice to the vocation conversation

Do you wonder how your role as a daughter will change if you choose religious life? Joining in the celebration of National Vocation Awareness Week (Nov. 3 - 9) is Sister Laura, who offers her voice to the vocation conversation, tells her own discernment story and talks about her relationship with her parents as an FSPA.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Rita Mae to discerners: talk, explore, pray

Thursday, October 17th 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


"Check out different congregations, and talk with people you love and trust."


FSPA celebrates 2019 jubilarian Sister Rita Mae Fischer. 

Inspired by stories of heroic missionaries and growing up in a strong Catholic community, Sister Rita Mae Fischer began pondering what could be possible for her life if she too followed God’s call.  She bravely took action by choosing to enter religious life after graduating from high school. Her own adventures have taken her to many new places. As Sister Rita Mae now celebrates her 70th jubilee, Show me a sign has asked her to reflect on her life of service according to Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration’s mission.  

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a religious sister?

Sister Rita Mae:
I had several strong influences that helped me to decide:

  • Reading stories of missionaries.
  • My exemplary Catholic parents.
  • Visiting with Benedictine sisters who taught in my high school.
  • My extended-weekend visit (and traveling by train with a group of friends) with the sisters at St. Rose Convent.
  • Praying at St. Rose in the balcony of the Adoration Chapel.  

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to become a sister?

Sister Rita Mae:
My family and friends were happy. However, since I was the oldest girl in the family, it was my mother who missed me the most after I left for St. Rose Convent.


Sister Rita Mae, FSPA class of 1949

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind?

Sister Rita Mae:
After eight years of teaching in Wisconsin and in the state of Washington, I went to Canton, Mississippi. I taught in Canton in the 1960s and, as the culture was vastly different from the one I’d experienced, I struggled to understand. Eventually, my teaching ministry of seven years there flourished. I treasure the communication I still have with my former students, some whom I taught 40 to 60 years ago.

Show me a sign:
Of the ministries you have served, are there any you hold closest to your heart?

Sister Rita Mae:
I have two favorite ministries: teaching primary grade children and ministering in school libraries.  


On the day of her jubilee celebration, Sister Rita Mae receives a corsage from FSPA Mission Councilor Sister Karen Kappell.

Show me a sign:
What advice would you give to a woman discerning religious life today?  

Sister Rita Mae:
Pray about it, check out different congregations, and talk with people you love and trust.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Want a glimpse into the lives of other FSPA who share their own discernment stories and answers to questions like "How will religious life affect my relationships?" and "What if my family doesn't agree with my choice?" Check out Show me a sign's discernment video series Meet our sisters

Celebrating peace, harmony, history and freedom

Thursday, July 4th 2019 7:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Happy 4th of July!


Image courtesy Pixabay

As we celebrate the history of our country with parades and fireworks today, let us pray for peace in our world and harmony in our hearts. May we also give thanks for the blessing of freedom.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Celebrating the Feast Day of St. Clare

Tuesday, August 11th 2020 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



Happy Feast Day of St. Clare of Assisi. As you discern religious life, may she inspire you to grow in your relationship with Christ and discover how your gifts and talents may serve the needs of the Church and the world.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Beth: "Pay attention to your dreams and desires."

Thursday, June 13th 2019 7:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


"I love companioning people as they live into the fullness of God's invitation for their lives."



FSPA Golden Jubilarian Beth Saner, celebrating 50 years of vowed religious life

“The direction for your life,” says Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Beth Saner, “may be hiding in plain sight.” In celebration of her golden jubilee — 50 years of living vowed religious life, engaged in furthering the work of the Gospel and the Catholic church — Show me a sign shares some of Sister Beth’s soul-searching discernment story and the wisdom she offers to those beginning their own. 

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a sister?

Sister Beth:
I didn’t really 'know.' My best friend and I decided we would become sisters when we were 11 years old, probably because we were fascinated by the sisters we knew; their lives seemed so mysterious. We never really talked much about it after that until we were high school seniors.  She went to college intending to study medicine, and I chose to go to the convent.

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to live religious life?

Sister Beth:
I encountered mixed reactions. My mother was adamantly opposed, while my dad was quietly supportive. Everyone else was noncommittal. I didn’t say much to my friends until it was time to go but when I told them, they were supportive.

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind?

Sister Beth:
After 50 years, here are a few:

  • As a young religious, I was always energized and enthusiastic about the way religious life was evolving in response to Vatican II.  
  • I’ve found that community life is not always easy, but living, working and praying in community has been a rich and personally fulfilling experience for me.  
  • Opportunities for on-going education, both formal and informal, all for the sake of FSPA mission, are true gift.


Sister Beth (left), a member of the FSPA Incorporation Team, rejoices in the moment that Sister Michelle Petitt (right) becomes a novice.  

Show me a sign:
What has been your favorite ministry, and why?

Sister Beth:
I’m lucky to have ministered in areas of my choice and that utilize my gifts and talents. I have loved my life of service, first as a teacher and liturgist at Viterbo University and then as a spiritual director and instructor in Chicago. I love companioning people as they live into the fullness of God’s invitation for their lives. That happened for me, both as a teacher and now as a spiritual companion.  

Show me a sign:
What advice would you give women discerning religious life today

Sister Beth:
Pay attention to your dreams and desires. The direction for your life may be hiding there in plain sight.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Laura to discerners: 'Do not be afraid to trust ...'

Thursday, October 31st 2019 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


For her love of people and her desire to serve them, Sister Laura "exudes joy."


Sister Laura Schreck is celebrating 70 years of religious life. 

“Do not be afraid to trust your deepest desires and God’s grace.” This wisdom comes from the life experiences of Sister Laura Schreck, a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration now celebrating 70 years of religious vocation. Her enthusiasm to serve God’s people has led her to opportunities in teaching, music and sacristy care. Each ministry has provided her with evidence of God’s providential grace. One cannot help but smile while conversing with Sister Laura: she exudes joy!  

Show me a sign:
How did you know that you wanted to be a religious sister?

Sister Laura:
From the time I can first remember, I’ve wanted to live religious life (though I never shared this certainty with anyone early on).  

Show me a sign:
How did your family and friends react when you first told them of your desire to become a sister?  

Sister Laura:
They were very positive. My mother seemed to sense this before I told her. She was very accepting of my choice, and so was my dad!

Show me a sign:
As you reflect on your jubilee, what facets of serving as an FSPA first come to mind?  

Sister Laura:
I loved teaching. I taught for 19 years in elementary and middle school classrooms. I eventually moved into religious education, overseeing the ministry for several parishes. I also enjoyed helping with sacristy care, playing the organ and working with the choir.  

two-women-white-hair turquoise-tops

A celebration for Sister Laura and other FSPA jubilarians was held at Villa St. Joseph in May.

Show me a sign:
Which of your ministries have meant the most to you?  

Sister Laura:
I love working with people, particularly in my teaching and parish ministries.  

Show me a sign:
What advice do you have for a woman discerning religious life today?  

Sister Laura:
Don’t be afraid to trust your deepest desires and God’s grace.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Step boldy into vocation: meet Sister Kristin!

Wednesday, November 6th 2019 8:05 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

You are invited ...

As we continue to step boldy into National Vocation Awareness Week, Nov. 3 - 9, you’re invited to meet Sister Kristin, a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, and check out her Su Casa Catholic Worker ministry along the Meet Our Sisters Tour route today!


She will be at Su Casa (5045 S. Laffin St., Chicago, Illinois) this afternoon from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Stop by to see her, learn more about Su Casa’s mission of hospitality and intentional community, and discover how religious sisters serve a society rooted in simplicity, free of violence, and abounding in love there.

Add your voice to the discernment conversation, and stay tuned to Show me a sign as we continue to celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week!

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Discernment and Advent: is your heart ready for the celebration?

Thursday, December 20th 2018 10:00 am
Amy Taylor, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration


"... a visual sign of what was to come."



Image courtesy of Daisies & Pie

When I was young child, we began the month of December at school by making green and red construction paper chains — learning how to mark time link-by-link until Christmas. We arrived at the classroom each morning ready to tear away another slip of red or green and inch closer to the big day. I imagine the ritual, a visual sign of what was to come, curtailed our continual Christmas count-down questions for the teacher. It was a reminder — a connection of our fervent dreams to the special time to come. Looking back at the experience I realize it also helped us learn how to wait for something together, as a group. Without fancy theological concepts in our seven-year-old brains, we became a community of believers. 

Now, in our fourth week of Advent, the readings serve as a link in salvation history. The Old Testament prophet Micah is the wise teacher reminding the faithful of a time to come. They too struggled with how long the wait would be. But hope withstands like a long, invisible chain, linking the moments until the celebration can begin.

In the Gospel, we skip ahead in time to beyond the angel’s visit to Mary and her “yes” to becoming the mother of Jesus. She wastes not a moment; runs straight out the door, bursting with excitement to share the joyful news with her cousin Elizabeth. And in nine short months, Mary beholds the face of God in the birth of Jesus. 

Each Advent, over 2,000 years after Jesus‘ birth, we recall this story and challenge ourselves to make room for Jesus in our hearts. Time is of the essence as this year the day of is just a mere 24 hours after the fourth Sunday of Advent. The moment is now upon us. Is your heart ready for the celebration you have been anticipating?

For additional pondering this week ...

How will the celebration of the birth of Jesus change your life, not just a month in your calendar of events?

How does Mary’s example of moving on God’s invitation without hesitation inspire you to take the next step in your own vocational call?

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. And, stay tuned to Show me a sign for new videos in the FSPA discernment series!

A new career in religious life?

Thursday, September 27th 2018 1:45 pm
Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Amy Taylor


A common question that surfaces in vocation is this: can I change careers while serving as a Catholic sister? 

Yes ... it is acceptable to discern a change of ministry in religious life! The spirit is always at work within you and often leads you to new experiences -- perhaps the opportunity to care for the underserved of society -- that respond to the needs of the times.

catholic leads young adults across a street

Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Katie Mitchell has traveled a ministerial path from teaching to faith formation.

Discernment of changing careers in religious life takes place within community. Together with others, you will examine the necessity of transition and consider the next steps to new ministry. This is part of the co-creation that is possible when you say “yes” to God’s invitation to serve his people. It is in the everyday experiences of walking with others that your eyes may be opened to see unmet needs.

Sometimes, additional education or training is necessary to change careers in religious life. In other circumstances, an open heart and willingness to learn from wisdom figures around you will provide all that you need to transition to a new way of serving. Many Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration have made ministerial moves as they've recognized their own unique gifts and talents to serve others.

It is impossible to predict what will unfold over the course of your life. Every day is an adventure and God is always full of surprises and invitations to grow and co-create with you. If you ask any sister, she will most likely say that her “yes” to religious life opened more doors than she ever imagined. 

*Like our new look? Stay tuned to Show me a sign for more surprises -- fresh reflections of the good news of vocations -- soon to come!

**Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

FSPA at RE Congress 2018 ... Rise Up!

Thursday, March 22nd 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



Sisters Amy and Kathy greeted hundreds of people -- youth and adults -- at the annual congress for religious education in Los Angeles, California. (Photographer Victor Aleman)

Sister Kathy and I would like to send a shout out to all those we met at RE Congress 2018: Rise Up! while we represented the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration and vocations there. It was inspiring to see the diversity of ministries represented as we all came to learn and pray together. If you were unable to stop by for a visit and find out more about our community, please send any questions you may have through the comment section (below).


We look forward to hearing from you!

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

These are our own Meribah moments

Thursday, March 8th 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


It’s common for many people to run away, hardening their hearts to a possible call to religious life. Fear, anxiety and worry are sometimes overwhelming and leave little room for joy, wonder, curiosity and trust. The invitation to discern may come as a surprise — perhaps in a comment from a friend or coworker — leaving you reeling at the possibility. This happened to me. Or, maybe you are sensing an emerging awareness in the stillness of prayer. It can be a confusing time. More questions than answers may swirl in your head like...what does this all mean? Why me? What will others think about me? Will my friends still hang out with me?

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Each of these questions has implications not just for those who choose religious life, but for all life. At some point everyone finds themselves asking
“Who am I and what do I want to do with my life?”

Today’s psalm is a great reminder about the attitude we carry when we enter into a time of discernment and how each of us choose to respond when the way forward is confusing or challenging. This passage recalls a time of discouragement for our ancestors in faith, a time when they put God to their own test. Sometimes in discernment we also test God in attempt to know exactly what life would be like if we made one choice rather than another. An attitude that says in its own way “Prove it to me God!” 

These are our own Meribah moments.

What better time of year than Lent to turn once again towards God, asking for guidance and courage to prayerfully consider all of the vocational choices that are possible. Considering, researching and exploring are not in and of themselves acts of commitment. There are many steps in discernment and there will be time to say yes or no along the way.

How can the invitation to discern help you develop your own heart of flesh?

What do you hear in the words of today’s psalm?

In honor of National Catholic Sisters Week (which begins today), Show me a sign will feature a series of reflections by Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration surrounding the question "What inspires you about religious life today?" throughout the week. 

Sounding the bell for 140 years of 24/7 prayer [video]

Wednesday, August 1st 2018 1:00 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



Sister Marguerite Bruening is one of several sisters and prayer partners at St. Rose Convent, ringing this bell in commemoration of 140 years of perpetual adoration.

Today we celebrate the beginning of our 141st year of perpetual adoration, ringing this bell 140 times for those full of unending prayer since Aug. 1, 1878, and once to commence a new year of round-the-clock adoration. May God continue to be the resounding bell in our hearts, guiding us in prayer and action in our world.


*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.


Empowering peace this Fourth of July

Wednesday, July 4th 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



Image courtesy


Happy Fourth of July!

Today and everyday let us light up the sky -- with bold goodness of prayer -- for peace and unity in our world.

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.


Journey of Advent

Thursday, December 7th 2017 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

Image courtesy

Do you like to travel? Have you ever been on a pilgrimage? A pilgrimage is a journey on which the participant commits to growing in faith, discovering lessons along the way and depending on God and the kindness of others to provide. This Advent season, I invite you to consider making your own spiritual pilgrimage, exploring the inner landscape of your heart in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. It will require making time in your life to explore the questions that are most important to you; those that can serve as a map through your heart. What do you most need in your life of faith this Advent season? How is your journey of discernment part of the pilgrimage experience? The journey inward has the power to shape how you encounter the world around you. The Scriptures of Advent are rich sources of inspiration and food for the journey. Are you willing to enter the passage?

Two experienced guides of navigating inner terrain are Mary and Joseph. Faced with a decree from Caesar Augustus to fulfill the mandatory census in Bethlehem, they began a physical journey. From the vantage point of over 2,000 years later we can also imagine that the trip would spiritually transform their lives. I imagine many miles punctuated with conversation about their dreams for the future and periods of quiet reflection to gather the vastness of what may lie ahead. Many prayers formed the ground on which they walked. They were dealing with big changes — a new marital relationship, preparation for a baby like no other, and the danger of travel. I wonder how vividly they recalled each of their experiences leading to the road: Mary and her encounter with the angel and Joseph’s dream that changed his mind.

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They chose to rely on God in all the uncertainty and challenge of not only this new spiritual pilgrimage, but also the realization of their unfolding pilgrimage of life. And watching Mary and Joseph each day, Jesus would grow into his own awareness of his humanity as they traveled.

In the first Gospel reading of Advent we see Jesus, on his own pilgrimage, taking a moment to pass on to his disciples the wisdom of cultivating watchfulness in their lives. He uses a story to try to get his point across. While they do not fully understand the journey that lies ahead, he advises them to be on guard; to know what you are about and what others around you are up to.

For us in our time, His wisdom continues to ring true. It is dangerous to be lulled into acedia; to think we have all the time in the world to be watchful … until we don’t. Pick up any newspaper or skim articles online to see stories of lives suddenly shortened. Time waits for no one. During the holiday season there is additional pressure and expectation and it's easy to see how the lure of inattentiveness beckons as an easier route; to let things go, put off until another time. Well, there may not be another time. What happens then? How can you take time now to be watchful, not only for the bad but for all the joy around you as well? Will you miss an experience simply because you were distracted?

What do you need to do in order to begin a four-week pilgrimage of faith this Advent season?

How will you be ready to begin the journey?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

A transformative moment

Thursday, November 16th 2017 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Next week marks the beginning of travel for many as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches. Millions of people will board planes and trains and drive cars to gather with loved ones. Traffic, in one way or another, will most likely frustrate excited travelers dreaming of warmth and comfort once they arrive at their destinations. All of the stress melts away as joyful greetings and mouth-watering aromas greet each weary, nerves-worn-thin traveler finally crossing the threshold. This is the moment many dream of all year.


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Hours of love and care for guests start long before the time of celebration. Ingredients for favorite dishes along with a mix of new recipes are carefully considered as each cook desires to both satisfy and expand the horizons of guests gathered. The festive table beckons each person to linger amidst glowing candlelight as rich fall colors of gold, orange and brown compliment the trays of colorful foods nestled between gleaming, stark-white plates. Beauty intensifies as each person adds the gift of their presence around the table.  

Months of exile from one another fade as thankfulness for the moment grows. New memories are created and traditions of assembling grow deeper roots. Holiness pervades as the blessing initiates not only the beginning of the meal but also conversation laden with rich moments of the year’s harvest of blessings and challenges since last the group congregated. This is a eucharistic moment; bread is broken and life is shared. As we move beyond the static moment to see the mystery, we glimpse the transcendence of life.

Through the eyes of faith, holidays can become an experience of holy days and Thanksgiving highlights, in extraordinary ways, many of the markers of thoughtful discernment.

Gathering: moving outside of your own daily routine to join trusted friends and family and recognizing in new ways God’s activity in your life.
Contemplation: reflecting on blessings and challenges in your life.
Preparation: recognizing what you need in the moment, and also what the road ahead may require.
Beauty: being present to the moment at hand.
Abundance: recognizing that God provides more than we could ever consume.
Awareness: eyes wide open to the needs of others.

Food for thought this week as you prepare for your own pilgrimage to the banquet table …

How is discernment leading you to see beyond the surface meaning of an experience?

What are you thankful for in life and along your discernment journey?

Who will you invite to the table of your life?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

Intuition: an essential tool for home improvement and discernment

Thursday, September 28th 2017 2:00 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


To me, do-it-yourself home improvement projects always sound simple and I typically imagine completing whatever the task in a short amount of time; achieving the perfect final product. My calculations are definitely hit and miss. This past weekend’s to-do was hanging new curtains, both homey and specific the needs of preserving warmth and saving energy. With all of the necessary supplies on hand we began by reading the instructions for installing the decorative curtain rod. Just four “easy steps” were listed in tiny text with an accompanying diagram. 

After marking the wall and pre-drilling holes for the brackets we were excited to see quick progress, yet it soon came to a grinding halt with simultaneous mutterings of “What do you mean it doesn’t fit?” and “The directions don’t say anything about what to do if only one side of the extension rod fits.” Ha … so much for four simple steps and the promise that all required was included. Maybe we should have called in a professional! 

Finally, we took a moment to pause and breathe (and laugh a little); tossed aside the directions and shared ideas. Within five minutes, by drawing from intuition where the directions failed, the new curtains were hung (perfectly straight!) with care. It was truly a do-it-ourselves project.

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The experience was a great reminder that there might not be specific instructions to complete the perfect household project or for building the future, discernment included. When the details of discerning religious life don’t fit exactly into your life as you think they should, simple tools like breathing and pausing and allowing time to find your own direction are essential. The article “Do-it-yourself discernment retreat” published in “VISION Vocation Network” offers a Sunday-through-Saturday guide (like “Don’t leave it to the experts”) with simple steps to help you learn invaluable cross-over skills, to blaze your own trails and build experiences to religious life.

This week, I invite you to think of the ways you’ve used the skills of discernment in your everyday context of life.

What happened when you relaxed and thought outside the box?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

Finding God at the wheel with Sister Laurice

Thursday, May 31st 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


When I am inspired to learn something new, I look around to find someone who shares my interest. Many years ago, I desired to work with clay on a potter’s wheel. Several people suggested I talk to Sister Laurice, a retired art teacher and potter. Her creations were on display in our spirituality center, so I knew she had talent. She happily offered to become my teacher.  


Sister Laurice at work in the studio

Walking into the studio, it was clear to me that Sister Laurice was at home in such a creative environment. She nimbly picked up some clay and invited me to do the same. In minutes we were wedging it; clearing it of air bubbles and preparing it for the wheel. Foundation is important. Every potter needs to find their own rhythm and method that works best for them. If you want transformation, you have to put effort into it. With a twinkle in her eye she also suggested that wedging is a way to channel frustration; each thud of the clay against the table to pop the bubbles a great method to letting off a little steam. A small air bubble may seem like no big deal, but if left inside it can later fester into a bigger problem on the wheel. Like life, if something doesn’t feel right, don’t ignore it. Unresolved aggravation will surface sooner or later.  

As she explained each step, Sister Laurice’s practiced hands moved with ease on the wheel. In moments, her loaf of clay became a beautiful bowl. Next, it was my turn to try and follow the steps as she talked me through each one. I prayed that the lump of clay I worked with would miraculously look in the smallest way like one of her delicate, symmetrical creations. She patiently invited me to breathe and relax and to guide the clay, not chase it around the wheel. (I did a lot of chasing the first few weeks.) She encouraged me to be strong without force; to lean in but not so far as to fall off balance. When a piece dried and was ready for trimming she filled my head with the importance of clearing away the excess and making a strong foot. “A great shape is hiding. You just need to get a bit of the extra off so you can see it better. The glaze we will apply will highlight your attention to this detail.” As each snippet of advice filled my ears, my mind and heart moved beyond the practicality into the spiritual realm of the wisdom Sister Laurice offered. 


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I came to see in Sister Laurice a kindred spirit, someone who also found God in creating. And for me, each new shape of clay mirrored my own transformation as a religious sister.  

Now, years later, working on the potter’s wheel has become part of my spiritual practice. The quiet hum is like a bell calling me to prayer. With each rotation, I concentrate on beauty even in the midst of challenges. Clay is a wonderful reflector. When I am pushing too hard it collapses; when I am not concentrating it becomes uneven and loses symmetry. Yet when I remember to breathe and stay present in the moment, I am amazed at the results. As the clay transforms before my eyes, it becomes an experience of oneness. Each piece holds a memory of my prayer that day — a call for newness, wholeness. 

Sister Laurice returned to the hands of her Creator on November 6, 2017. It has been a difficult loss. I choose to remember her when I sit at the wheel. 


Sister Laurice Heybl, FSPA

I am reminded of the experience of Sister Laurice’s mentorship, friendship and accompaniment today as we celebrate the Feast of the Visitation (LK 1:39-56). In the Gospel, Luke shares with us the story the encounter of Mary and Elizabeth, two pillars of faith. Elizabeth is a seasoned woman of devotion who has seen and experienced many things in her life. Bright-eyed Mary is enthusiastic for the adventures that lie ahead. Both women answer God’s call in their lives and find support and encouragement in one another as they discover the joys and challenges of fulfilling their yes to God. Each of these women share something in common and, at the same time, develop their own artistic way of living into the commitment they had each made to God. 

Mentors and friends can be helpful in discernment. They can offer wisdom from their experience and be a great listening ear when needed. 

Who have been the mentors and friends in your life, perhaps modeling a sense of being in discernment?

How has your discernment mirrored others, and how has your discernment been unique?


*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

As we prepare for Memorial Day

Thursday, May 24th 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



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As we begin to contemplate Memorial Day, let us give pray for and praise to all who have died in service for their country.

And, today and every day, let us pray for world peace.

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Awake and ready in discernment?

Thursday, December 1st 2016 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Why is it that when we are excited about tomorrow it’s impossible to fall asleep? I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve watched the clock move slow as molasses towards morning and birthdays and holidays; community celebrations and time with family and friends. This past Sunday, as a church, we entered not only a new year but a season of waiting. The old adage circles in my mind: the more you wait the better it will be. While I am sure this is true sometimes, I can also be impatient and yearn to know now. My favorite Advent song is Patience, People by John Foley, SJ. It reminds me that how I wait is just as important as the waiting. 


Photo by Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

Advent has a dual focus of anticipation and action. It takes a lot of hard work to prepare your heart for Christmas; more than fragrant words of holy intention. Making space takes effort. Under the softened warm glow of preparation is the commitment to make things happen. 

On the first Sunday of Advent we hear the words of the Prophet Isaiah and the Gospel of Matthew, each offering insight into this time of eagerness. Isaiah is the prophetic alarm clock awakening sleepy believers. With strong words he clamors above the din of lukewarm following. His message streams across divisions calling for unity and inviting us to walk in the ways of the Lord. Reverberations ring as the call for change clashes against the comforts of routine and acceptance. 

Where do you find yourself as you reflect on the sword and the plow? Are you willing to pound your sword into a plow to cultivate ground for your discernment and co-create with God?  

In the Gospel Matthew also shares sage advice: don’t be distracted and caught unprepared; be ready. When waiting, it’s easy to get distracted and lose focus. There may be less time than you think. 

For all the wisdom and guidance Isaiah and Matthew provide, what is your attitude, in discernment, as you wait on God? When was the last time you pleaded with God to show you the way … "Now!"? Did you shout in anger? Threaten with an ultimatum? Storm away; frustrated because your discernment seems perpetually unresolved? 

And so, this Advent, I invite you to take the opportunity to prepare your heart, to welcome the wakeful nights of uncertain discernment you’re experiencing right now. 

Are you willing, in this moment, to wait?


FSPA reflects upon World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Thursday, April 19th 2018 1:45 pm
Sister AmyTaylor, FSPA


The Catholic church will celebrate the annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations on Sunday, April 22, 2018.

Sisters Hennessey-Julia-Walsh-Eileen-McKenzie-FSPA-adoration-chapel

Sisters Sarah Hennessey, Julia Walsh and Eileen McKenzie pray in the FSPA Adoration Chapel at St. Rose Convent.

As we remember in prayer all who are discerning personal vocations, let us also encourage others to consider religious life as a sister, brother or priest and reflect upon discernment inspiration from Pope Francis' Message for World Day of Vocations, “ be attentive to the details of our own daily lives, in order to learn how to view things with the eyes of faith, and to keep ourselves open to the surprises of the Spirit.”

Who are you praying for?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Discernment: clothed in your own uniqueness

Thursday, October 19th 2017 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Before I entered elementary school my favorite color was orange. It is a fact of my life story that I haven't recalled in years until I noticed my lunch today — cheddar peanut butter crackers, Cheetos and orange Crush  soda — consisted of mainly orange-colored food. I smiled as I happily ate my lunch and remembered the stories I’ve been told about a time in my life that was filled with joy and creativity: the preschool era in which my sense of fashion included mixing plaids, stripes and interesting colors (with orange ever present). In those days I ventured out into the world to preschool, the grocery store, the park or wherever else the daily routine led, clothed in my own uniqueness. And my parents have photographic evidence in our family albums to prove this early display of my personality.  


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Over 35 years later, this early lesson of creativity and boldness my parents fostered in me are two of my continual guideposts. There is always more than one way to look at a situation and often, boldness is required to be a prophetic witness in our world today. I am continually inspired when I read stories of challenges resolved by creatively thinking outside of the box: everything from clean water projects, new objects made of recycled materials (read about FSPA's Lady Jacoba Greenhouse, built from top to bottom of reused materials, on page 8) and innovative nonprofits meeting more needs with less revenue. 

Discernment, like religious life, is not always comfortable. It will require that you answer honestly with yourself about how far you are willing to go following in the prophetic footsteps of Jesus. Like Jesus you will most likely face judgement and ridicule for your beliefs or for those you choose to stand with. It will require the inner reserve that you have been nurturing since childhood to be your own person. Once again, remember your own holy stubbornness to make a stand when you see injustice. Call to mind the boldness of wearing orange when the world encourages blending in. 

This week I invite you to ponder ...

How do you creatively respond to the ever-changing world around you?

What life lessons from your own childhood guide you in discernment?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

I have no magic words

Thursday, November 3rd 2016 3:16 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Traveling across the country, meeting a variety of people in and around the world of discernment, I encounter two questions—open ended, probably pervasive in all aspects of life—time and time again:

“How long will this take?”

“How will I know?”

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And I've actually been faced (more than once) with the plea, “Can’t you just tell me what to do?” 

Of course, I have no direct answer to provide to a discerner of religious life, no magic words to give. Discernment carries mystery within it. It’s not a step-by-step process that if followed will yield a nice shiny product of a vocation. It’s the industrial model that one has to let go of. Each step is different and what worked for someone else may not work for you. There is no assembly line cranking out one-size-fits-all discernment t-shirts.  

Timing is another open-ended aspect that varies from person to person. Comparison is not helpful. You may have started a discernment process at the same time as someone else and their movement may appear to be faster or slower. But it’s not a competition. Running or dragging your feet to keep the same pace as someone else is not an authentic experience. Trees, each having within itself a sense of when it’s ready to let go of its leaves, are an excellent example of this statement. Two trees of the same variety planted side by side sometimes have totally different timings; one drops its leaves early and the other may hold on for a few weeks longer. In the end they will both move on in the season, just not dependent upon each other. It is humans who place judgment on the difference.

Questions to ponder this week…

Are you more concerned about the getting there and the need to know the answer than participating in the unfolding of your discernment experience?

How are you comparing or competing in your discernment? 

Are you finding more questions? Click here to view resources for discerning religious life.

1,080 years of religious life

Thursday, February 8th 2018 4:20 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Today commences a new year of jubilation for our Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration celebrating 75, 70, 60 and 50 years of vowed religious life. These annual celebrations are known as jubilee. This afternoon, the festivities began with a party in honor of those residing at St. Rose Convent

Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration joined by Sister Sarah Nakyesa celebrate jubilee
Celebrating religious life are, left to right, Sisters Nancy Lafferty (60 years), Loretta Penchi (70 years),
Sarah Nakyesa (25 years and a guest of St. Rose Convent while attending Viterbo University),
Margaret Schmolke (70 years), Cormarie Wernimont (60 years) and Jean Kasparbauer (60 years)

Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration celebrate jubilee

Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration celebrate jubilee

Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration celebrate jubilee


We invite you to offer a prayer of gratitude for their many ministries, and to watch for future Show Me a Sign blog posts featuring jubilation reflections of personal calling to FSPA!


*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

This day of thanks and giving

Thursday, November 23rd 2017 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



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May this day be a time of contemplation as you gather with family and friends and recall the many gifts God has blessed you with throughout the year.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 22nd 2016 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

Happy New Year!

Monday, January 1st 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Happy New Year to you from the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.


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May the coming year be filled with inspiration as you discern your vocation.

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 25th 2017 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Merry Christmas to you from the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.


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May the joy of Christ's birth be in your heart today and throughout the year.

Mary, Clare, a novice and an associate: discerning pathways to God

Thursday, August 16th 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


This time in August marks the celebration of two wonderful and inspirational women of faith: Mary of Nazareth and St. Clare of Assisi. From this point in history, we can trace the pathways from each woman’s initial yes to the culmination of their lives, mapping what is possible with God. 

I wonder what their first days were like, after saying yes to God. When the angel left Mary and the Holy Spirit’s visit concluded, the reality of pregnancy (and not by her betrothed, Joseph) came to be. It was a yes that, at the time, was messy at best. 


Mary of Nazareth gazes down over all from the domed ceiling in Mary of the Angels Chapel. (Photo by Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA)

What were Clare’s thoughts after escaping her family home in the dark of night, only to learn that traveling the road she envisioned to religious life would take some time? Did she hold her breath as she waited for the convent at San Damiano to be prepared? Since cloister was required for all women religious at that time, barring her from serving alongside her inspiration, St. Francis, did she even for a moment lose faith? 


St. Clare of Assisi (Image from the Basilica of St. Clare, Assisi, Italy)

Discernment calls for a yes followed by action. The journey requires stepping forward, bravely beginning new experiences without the security of GPS or traveler’s insurance. Homelands, friends, jobs and routines of life are turned upside down as a new adventure — perhaps one with uncertainty — beckons. 

Mary of Nazareth and St. Clare of Assisi are mentors and companions for two women who in the last few weeks have put their yes to God in motion. One as an associate and the other as a novice, they are both beginning the journey of incorporation with FSPA. As individuals, their paths are uncharted territory — where God will lead them is yet to be revealed. They, like Mary and Clare, will be invited to trust God and community and to share their gifts and talents as the way forward is co-created.  

As you consider Mary and St. Clare and two women who today are entering the next passageway of discernment, ask yourself:

-    Where do these pioneers, blazing their own paths to religious life, inspire me to go?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Beacons of hope

Thursday, December 21st 2017 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Whether on a trip to visit a friend with a detour along the way or forging my continual pilgrimage through religious life, I rely on mile markers and signs to point me in the direction of my destination. The lighting of the third candle of Advent this week is a beacon as I traverse the remaining days of my Advent journey. Closer to my destination, I am filled with joyful revelation of all I’ve experienced so far as well as hope and anticipation for what lies ahead. Even the dark moments of pilgrimage are illuminated with the joy of the lessons learned and the deepening of relationship with God. Spiritual blisters are a symbol for me of the road walked, and the joy I discovered in risking the journey. I am forever changed by walking the pilgrim road.


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The prophet Isiah proclaims encouraging words to nations who have been waiting for a sign. The long awaited time is now — life is about to change. What have you been looking for on your road of discernment? Are you waiting for assurance, courage, perfect timing to ask questions? Healing, freedom, and vindication are at hand and it’s time to celebrate! Are you ready to seize the moment and be bold? God provides, not only for you and me but for all nations. This is no small promise. This is life altering, earth shattering news — joy beyond measure. We are headed for the celebration of the incarnation, Emmanuel, God with us as one of us! Darkness is vanished all creation revels in great joy!

In the Gospel, John the Baptist continues to point the way. He is the humble messenger who will not be dissuaded from his task; even as they try to twist his words in attempt to bind his ego and catch him in the trap they are laying, top officials will not stop his progress. John knows who he is and who has sent him on this journey. His pilgrimage of faith has led him through the byways of his heart and to the road of public witness, sharing the good news of Christ’s coming. God is John the Baptist’s signpost; he will follow wherever the journey takes him, through the joy and trials along the road of his own pilgrimage. In many ways this question of identity echoes in the heart of all discerners. So who are you? What do you stand for? What is your message? How does your life point to God?

As you continue your Advent pilgrimage this week I invite you to ponder the following:

-- What have been some of the joys and trials along your Advent pilgrimage?

-- How do you depend on God to be a signpost for you on your journey?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Discerning wisdom in words

Thursday, July 19th 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



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There is a phrase my parents share with me every single time I go out the door: “Be safe, have fun, you know the rules … love you.” Whether I was a young girl heading to a friend’s house, a teenager dangling the car keys in my hand, a college student leaving for campus or an adult moving across the country to enter my religious congregation, I’ve consistently carried these sentiments out into the world with me. It has also inspired me to incorporate my own addendum — “make good decisions” — when bidding goodbye to family members and friends.  

Biblical scholars spend their lives parsing out the significance of each phrase and individual word of Scripture; reflecting on history, linguistics, cultural layers, intention of the text and for whom it was written. This intrigues me: since grad school I have enjoyed reading scholarly research as I find it opens new doors to my own understanding (and I challenge you to consult commentaries and make your own discoveries).

In Matthew 7:6, 12-14, I find that Jesus also offers his disciples rules for the road in diverse denotations of his words; perhaps lessons offered at different times yet gathered neatly in the Gospel into verses (passed down initially in the oral tradition before written and organized) for our reflection over 2,000 years later. You’ve probably all heard homilies on each of the individual verses but when we think of them together, they offer wisdom too. I’ve pondered in prayer what it all means to me in this moment of my life journey, and invite you to your own prayerful discernment.

In verse 6, “Pearls Before Swine,” what insight do I have to share with others who do not have my best interest at heart? Am I giving fuel for arguments rather than striving to find common ground?  

How am I abiding by “The Golden Rule,” not only because I want others to treat me nicely but to understand that we all walk on the earth together?

Looking through the famous “Narrow Gate” ask yourself, “how am I discerning the decisions I make rather than just blindly following others down the path?    

Discernment is about listening to God and also making a series of what you believe to be the best choices in light of what you are learning and value, asking questions as you go.

This week I offer a few more questions for you to ponder:

What phrases have become important on your discernment journey?

What rules you have learned or created on this path?

How does Scripture guide you as you discern?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Temptation and transformation in the desert

Thursday, February 22nd 2018 10:30 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

The Gospel for the first Sunday of Lent makes me imagine a movie trailer for a film directed by Mark. He sets a pithy scene in the desert, features a cast of characters that include Jesus, beasts, angels and Satan. Jesus is on the cusp of an encounter with temptation as the teaser abruptly ends. The scene that fades to black is literally and figuratively bleak, leaving viewers to anticipate a film with a gut-wrenching ending.

But of course we are met with a plot twist when the rest of Mark’s story comes out: the desert doesn’t really lead to nothingness, it’s actually lined with steppingstones to discovery. His time in what seems like a wasteland strengthens him and, in a surprising turn of events, leads to emergent momentum of his ministry.


Image by Sister Amy Taylor

Discernment of religious life invites each of us into our own metaphorical and perhaps even physical desert experiences. It’s a place of quiet austerity and simultaneous beauty, calling for revelation, commitment and creativity in a setting assumed to be isolated and daunting. Desolation can allow too much space in which temptation and deprivation can be found, but also make room for grace and gift.

As I prepared for my final vows, I found the desert was the perfect place to go on retreat. Walking in the dry climate, I was invited to be present in each step; cognizant of where my feet fell; watchful of snakes, scorpions and other desert wildlife that I don’t encounter in Wisconsin. Slowly, as I pondered the spectrum of colors that at first I only perceived as beige, the desert revealed some of its bright secrets. My fear of such “beasts” was transformed as I learned how these creatures help sustain the environment. Beauty of life, like the tiny flowers I discovered, flourished in what appeared to be a hostile climate.

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Image by Sister Amy Taylor

Jesus demonstrates that God guides us to explore the depths of a vocational discernment even in the most dreaded circumstances; is with us as we confront the temptations that threaten our fidelity to live in communion with God.

How is your fear or preconceived notion getting in the way of intentional discernment?

How has God surprised you and provided in your own “desert times?”


*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

What did you say?

Thursday, November 2nd 2017 3:15 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

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Amidst the world news articles online I recently came across the lighter read “50 Unique Words and Phrases From Each State That Only Locals Understand.” As an avid traveler, I was curious to see if I had encountered any of the words and phrases. I clicked through the first few slides, finding some familiar, but most were words I’d never heard before.

The article triggered a memory of experience I had while visiting La Crosse, Wisconsin, when I was first discerning religious life with FSPA. A few sisters took me down to Riverside Park, along the Mississippi River, just a few miles from St. Rose Convent. They pointed out the various attractions including the friendship garden, fountains and statues; where to buy tickets to ride on the big paddle boat. One sister pointed across the park and said “Over there is the bubbler.” All I saw was a drinking fountain. We both had a good laugh and “bubbler” was formally introduced to me as Wisconsin-ease for “drinking fountain.”

Evangelical councils: “These are the vows and practice of poverty, chastity, and obedience. They are evangelical because they were taught and practiced by Jesus Christ in the gospels.” At the end of the novitiate period and formal acceptance, women in the incorporation process first make temporary vows of poverty, consecrated chastity and obedience. 

Charism: “Each religious community has a charism which is a purpose, mission, and spirit inspired by the community’s founder.” The charism of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration comes from distinct eucharistic reference and devotion, inherited from St. Francis and our founders.

Novice: “A novice is a person who is formally admitted to a religious institute to prepare for eventual religious profession.” For FSPA, the novitiate period is two years in length and incorporates learning about religious life, vows, theology, church documents, Franciscan studies and many more pertinent topics for this time of vow preparation. 

Perpetual vows: “… the final vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience a person takes in a religious institute.” Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration who make perpetual vows do so during Mass — a public witness of consecration to God through their commitment of poverty, consecrated celibacy and obedience for life lived out in the context of FSPA community. 

Further traversing into a specific religious dialect — like that of the Franciscan family — vocabulary expands with terms like

-- Transitus: an annual Franciscan celebration marking the passage of St. Francis of Assisi from life on Earth to a life with God;

-- Pax et Bonum: Peace and All Good; and

-- common good: choosing action based not only on your own preferences but also taking into account the whole group or groups that will be affected by the decision.

Religious life is full of its own unique words and phrases, its own social dynamics that you’ll encounter because, as I did, you are journeying into a new culture. Also present are the plethora of cultures that many members of the community may have been raised in or ministered in.

Diversity is a gift, especially when we are willing to be curious and try to refrain from quick judgements.

This week, ponder how discernment is leading you to the edges of new cultures.

What are some of your cultural influences?

How does understanding some common definitions in religious life help you in your discernment?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

Stepping into bright futures

Thursday, May 17th 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



Image courtesy

As we enter into the season of graduation, may you take a moment of quiet to recall all the ways God has brought you to this milestone in your life. Every ounce of hard work and determination has yielded the results you now celebrate. Congratulations as you move forward into a bright future!

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Earthquakes: when ground is no longer solid

Thursday, September 8th 2016 12:00 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



Photo courtesy of

Earthquakes have shaken the lives of people from Italy, near New Zealand and here in the U.S. News stories full of destruction quickly circulated our world. I searched coverage for any small sign of hope in the rubble that littered the streets; glimpsed the good hearts of people like beacons of light, shining brightly in the darkness of pain and loss as everyone searched feverishly for those who were trapped. Sitting a world away in front of my computer, I cheered for the rescues and the fight of the human spirit even in the most horrendous of circumstances. I took stock of my own environment and wondered what elements of normal routine—working, playing, cooking and sleeping—erupted. When suddenly the solid ground beneath them trembled, forever altering their lives.

Long after the media lights go out let us continue to pray for those who will do the back-breaking work of clearing debris, who will make the heart-breaking decision to grow beyond grief and rebuild their lives. I can’t imagine the reassessment that must occur; the reevaluation that has to take place. Is the unsatisfying clutter that existed “before the earthquake” closely examined to see if its value “after the earthquake” is worth restoring?

Bigger questions often emerge out of the ruins with survivors: Why am I still here?

While many people will never experience seismic surges in the physical sense, most of us find ourselves in symbolic situations when the earth no longer feels solid or safe, when life shakes us to the core. The shock waves you’re feeling may come from within, might surface as a spiritual earthquake. And discernment can actually echo tangible reverberations. The landscape of your beliefs may quake, your deep-seated values exposed to the elements.

You may find cracks in what you thought were concrete foundations, and must make choices that align with your conscious and unceasing call of the Gospel. Walls once separating you from the needs of your neighbors may crumble to dust. A new mindfulness of global needs may emerge as discernment reveals new places of solid ground. There may also be aftershocks—discernment is not a onetime event. It calls for continual responsiveness and readiness for what becomes unearthed.

Could it be that shakings of your spirituality awaken you to what is perhaps buried in unconscious activity?

How has your life changed in the “after” time of a spiritual earthquake?

Discovery in discernment: breakthroughs of mind and heart

Thursday, January 11th 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

Image courtesy

I am fascinated with the brains of scientist and inventors. What keeps them in the lab testing and retesting and searching for the answers they long for? How do they resist boredom? How do they deal with feelings of failure? How does their determination lead them to take risks that most others would not even consider, all in the name of research? Do they draw a line in the sand? 

What I am certain about science, however, is that such curiosity can spark new ideas, leads to life-changing discovery. Revelation begins with a single question that evolves along the way by:

-    Experimenting, testing new theories.
-    Recording findings.
-    Looking for patterns.
-    Observing discrepancies in the data.
-    Consulting experts.
-    Making adjustments along the way.
-    Pondering.
-    Persevering.
-    Celebrating both achievements and failures as pathways to learning.

Discovery requires participation. Every observation calls for attention. Deep reflection is vital. Evolution of the question contains markers of change and integration of learning. Each reflection has the potential to reveal a new hypothesis to be explored.

I also know, from personal, life-changing curiosity, that such questions and methods and principles can guide you through discernment of religious life.

What may seem to be a naive question must really be the first: “What is religious life?” It is, as I’ve written about before, a culture all its own.     

With learning and reflection, do you feel a calling? 

In time, you may find yourself wondering “What could religious life be like with a specific community?” Living into that question will change as you go deeper into the discernment process. If accepted into a community the question could become “What is religious life for us as communally?” Throughout the years of incorporation the ultimate ask may surface: “Am I willing to make a life commitment to God as a vowed religious sister and in the context of this congregation?”

Try to take in your wonderings one at a time. Choose carefully how often to sit with them: daily, weekly or monthly time periods of reflection may continually stoke your excitement. How will your record your learnings along the way: a journal, a log, maybe even a spread sheet? It’s important not to lose insight you find along your quest.  

Each new year, just like each scientific hypothesis, begins with the potential to evolve into a lifetime of implications.

In 2018, what are the questions that could lead you on a year of discovery?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

Hearts and ashes

Wednesday, February 14th 2018 8:25 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


There are special occasions we all look forward to in life; days that we want to mark by dressing up and celebrating with a nice meal. As this Valentine’s Day coincides with Ash Wednesday (the beginning of the Lenten season), the upscale steak house dining reservation will be canceled for many. And in our Catholic tradition, we don't just choose to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday but every Friday during Lent too. Such discipline is a call to remembrance, not a punishment; not a means to spoil one’s heart-filled holiday plans.

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This break from romanticized tradition holds within it an opportunity and invitation to reflection as we gaze upon the image of Jesus on the cross. Can you see beyond the destruction of a life to forethought of unconditional love? Franciscans believe it is out of love that Jesus came to Earth in human form. Love is the motivating force from all eternity. What better time than on Valentine’s Day, when secular culture focuses on the idea of happily-ever-after love, to look into the depth of what love calls us to in its truest form. Can we see the ashes we choose to receive on our foreheads this Ash Wednesday to be a commitment to love like Jesus? As we hear the words spoken, as we receive the ashes, what does it mean to “turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel”? Does it mean to do more than avoid evil? Does it also call us to love and act justly? What does it mean to truly love another or a world full of others?



San Damiano Cross

Jesus leads the way, showing us how to love. The Gospels are full of examples of reaching out, going further, and giving one’s all. They are lessons that show us love is not trite greeting cards but courageous, transformative action. Choosing to love another is more than an idea or an ideal situation.

I am reminded of Peter’s journey to learn to love like Jesus. Remember what you know of Peter — his call to discipleship, his accompaniment on the road with Jesus, his promise of faithfulness that he soon denies — to his post resurrection conversation with Jesus. Love was present in each experience, even in the most trying of circumstances. Peter is transformed in the action of learning and loving like Jesus and being loved by Jesus. It took courage, honesty, humility and grace to continue walking his own journey. Peter did not give up. His perseverance is an example for all of us.

As we begin Lent, let us call to mind moments in our own lives in which love for another or others stretched our hearts and offered wisdom for life. Recall the times, perhaps in your own discernment, that you became aware of the many ways our world is in need of generous people ready to love like Christ, discovering along the way that imperfections can be transformed when desire to be of service is present.

How do you choose to love like Jesus?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation. 

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 29th 2016 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

Praying for a blessed Holy Week

Thursday, March 29th 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


May God guide our hearts as we begin the celebration of Holy Week.


Image by Sister Amy Taylor

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Turn your back or open your arms to discernment?

Thursday, February 1st 2018 1:00 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


A fleece blanket, crafted and wrapped  with care for someone in need

Lori True composed and sings a wonderful song called “What Have We Done for the Poor Ones.” This past Saturday, FSPA sisters, Viterbo University students, staff and alumni took this question to heart as they spent the morning together making blankets, scarves, hats, cards, hygiene bags and affirmation jars to be given with care for those in need. For these volunteers, each project provided a personal pathway of understanding; a way to reach out to the forgotten and the vulnerable who Scripture reminds us to look out for. We are called to provide for the child removed from violent households, for the men and women who wander our streets with no place to call home, and the elderly who wait for a sign that they have not been forgotten. How would it feel to ceaselessly long for loving memories in a strange environment (instead of the horror of being pulled away from your family)? How would it feel to get frostbite because your coat can't fend off the bitter cold? How would it feel to endlessly sit, stranded in front of a window in a nursing home, praying for a sign that someone still cares you’re alive?

How do we see these neighbors as our brothers and sisters in Christ?


Sister Fran and students cut fabric for scarves


Hand-made hygiene bags filled by students for homeless teens


Sister Carrie Kirsch and a Viterbo student weave hats


Sisters Margaret Schmolke (left), students and Sister Margaret Wagner worked as a team to create a soft, warm blanket

The day called for all to weave together a sense of community support for those who are readily seen as suffering as well as for the hidden poor; to remember that the statistics we see on TV, newspapers and social media feeds are individuals — not nameless numbers from a census taken of a faceless population. Every digit is a flesh-and blood-person who has hopes and dreams for their futures too. When we put ourselves in the experience of others, compassion and care arise along with a desire to help. And we have a choice whether to see the suffering of humanity right in front of us ... or not. Will we live with eyes wide open or avert our glance, ignoring our brothers and sisters in need? 

Discernment also comes with this choice. Will you turn your back or open your arms to your call in life?

What will you do?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Sandra celebrates, contemplates religious life in jubilee

Thursday, May 3rd 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Called to religious life and FSPA 50, 60 and even 70 years ago, our 2018 jubilarians are celebrating and contemplating. Show Me a Sign asked Sister Sandra DeMann — who embodies 50 years of ministry in health care, parish ministry and social justice — to reflect on her discernment journey.



Sister Sandra DeMann celebrates her Golden Jubilee at St. Rose Convent's Mary of the Angels Chapel in April, 2018.


SMAS: What inspires you about religious life?

Sister Sandi: For me, living religious life is a journey. You don’t always know what is going to happen. I am a person who enjoys living with mystery. I know that God is with me and will help me through all that I encounter. I don’t need to have all of the answers. I enjoy searching for them. I spent part of my life ministering in Africa — it was there I learned that miracles happen.


SMAS: What has been your favorite time in ministry?

Sister Sandi: I enjoyed my time in Africa, but also enjoyed working in rural Mississippi. I was the Catholic presence to a parish community that was established in the 1800s. Because of their location, they did not always have a priest assigned to their parish. It was inspiring to see how the people worked together to maintain their parish. It was an area that chose to do something about isolation. Different denominations worked together rather than separately, to provide for the needs of the civic community.



Pictured far right, Sister Sandra joins a group of women religious in Nogales, Arizona, for the SOAW Convergence at the Border in 2016.


SMAS: What wisdom would you share with someone who is considering religious life?

Sister Sandi:  Prayer and trust is important. If you have a dream, follow it. It may not take you where you thought it would but trust the process. Spend time in discernment. Remember that it is a walk of faith, and you will be guided along the way.

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Honoring service, goodness

Monday, September 3rd 2018 8:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Image courtesy of Pixabay


May this be a day of relaxation, renewal and honor of our gifts of service to the world as we celebrate Labor Day.

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.


Sister Cormarie celebrates, contemplates religious life in jubilee

Thursday, April 26th 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

Called to religious life and FSPA 50, 60 and even 70 years ago, our 2018 jubilarians are celebrating and contemplating. Show Me a Sign asked Sister Cormarie Wernimont — who embodies 60 years of ministry in dietetics, pastoral care and finance — to reflect on her discernment journey.


During a gathering at St. Rose Convent, Sister Cormarie (right) is congratulated for her jubilee by Sister Esther Leis.

SMAS: How old were you when you first thought about becoming a sister?

Sister Cormarie: I was in the second grade. My teacher, Sister Charity, FSPA, asked if I was going to become a sister. I had not thought of it, but this idea remained in the back of my mind all through elementary and high school. I prayed about it for a long time, and gradually became aware that this was my calling.

SMAS: What attracted you to religious life?

Sister Cormarie: It was the belief that this is my calling.


Sister Cormarie Wernimont, 1958

SMAS: What do you recall about making your final vows and realizing that you were making a life commitment?

Sister Cormarie: I most remember my acceptance into the novitiate program, receiving a new name and the religious habit, and also my first vows. In my heart, my vows were final the first time I spoke them.

SMAS: What has been the most unexpected part of your life as an FSPA?

Sister Cormarie: My first mission was at Sacred Heart Hospital (now known as Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center) in Idaho Falls, Idaho. This was an area where, as a Catholic, I learned what it felt like to be a minority. There were many challenges. There were also blessings: we experienced the beauty of the mountains, rivers and Meadow Lake. Nothing ever tasted as good as pancakes cooked over an open fire up in the mountains.

SMAS: What wisdom do you share with a woman discerning religious life today?

Sister Cormarie: Pray. Try to be open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Trust in God’s love and care.

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Called to the right now of the journey

Thursday, May 10th 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


I spend a lot of time in the car. I am usually in a hurry to complete my commute so that I can get to the tasks on my agenda for the day. I recently chose to walk to a meeting rather than drive. I figured the choice would take me about 15 minutes longer (give or take with parking). 

Moving through downtown on foot was really enjoyable. It was a sunny day, and pleasant to walk with just a light jacket. I greeted fellow pedestrians and noticed the surprise on their faces as they were momentarily startled from their own thoughts, muttering quick hellos in return. Somehow, whether driving our cars or walking down the street, many of us have been lured into fast-paced, silent, siloed commutes where our focus becomes the destination and not the experience along the way. 


Image courtesy

This experience of encountering nature, people and the city unfolding before me has led me to reflect on Jesus and the stories we have from the Gospel of his travel with his disciples from place to place. He used the time on the road with his disciples to talk with them, to challenge them and to prepare them for the things that were to come. Their time on the road was not lost in the distraction of merely getting to the destination; the commute was filled with discussion, learning and perhaps time for comfortable, communal silence as they pondered the depths of their hearts amid the long, dusty miles of road. The road is also a place for questions and discovering new insights. 


Image courtesy

It is rare that we take time to not just walk but to slow our pace and allow ourselves to become aware of the Spirit at work in our lives — when a walk becomes a gateway to prayer that soothes our souls and refocuses our vision. To choose to slow down rather than speed by we encounter nature, we look people in the eye rather than see a blur of humanity at 25 miles an hour. Walking is a contemplative practice. 

Discernment requires reducing your mental speed and paying attention. It is a time when we are called into a disruption of routine. God calls us to focus on the right now of the journey. We are invited to slow down, to connect and examine the experiences on the road and discover the wisdom on the way. 

What could happen if you choose to slow down this week?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Marla celebrates, contemplates religious life in jubilee

Thursday, April 5th 2018 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Called to religious life and FSPA 50, 60 and even 70 years ago, our 2018 jubilarians are celebrating and contemplating. Show Me a Sign asked Sister Marla Lang — who embodies 60 years of ministry in education, community leadership and spirituality — to reflect on her discernment journey.

SMAS: How old were you when you first knew that you wanted to be a sister? How did God get your attention?

Sister Marla: I was 13 years old and my 8th grade teacher Sister Mary Louis, an FSPA, invited me to consider becoming a sister.


SMAS: How did your family and friends react when you told them about it?

Sister Marla: My parents made it clear to us as children that they wanted us to become whatever we desired as long as it was about being “good” to ourselves. They were very affirming.



Sister Marla Lang, 1958


SMAS: Did you explore or visit different communities before choosing FSPA?

Sister Marla: Another community invited me to visit but just didn’t entice me. They were too formal, I sensed. After much pondering, I knew making final vows as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration was a true calling for me. It remains so today.


SMAS: As you celebrate your jubilee, what do you recall as your most memorable moments as an FSPA?

Sister Marla: I truly enjoyed each ministry and each ministry prepared me for the next one I was led to:

  • I taught grades 3 through 8 full time for 11 years and then was asked to serve as a school principal and director of religious education, K-adult, for 10 years.
  • Those 21 years invited me to say “yes” to serving as a parish director in the absence of a resident pastor for 12 years.
  • All of these experiences led my FSPA sisters to ask that I serve eight years as community president.
  • Now, all of these ministries have enriched me to be with others at a spirituality center as a soul partner to many (serving in spiritual direction).


Today, Sister Marla ministers as the outreach coordinator at Marywood Franciscan Spirituality Center in Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin.


SMAS: What has been the most unexpected part of your life as an FSPA? 

Sister Marla: I never dreamed I would be called to serve as the FSPA president. I grew up as a mid-Wisconsin farm girl. It almost took my breath away to be a part of three other leadership teams (with 10 sisters) — the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, Sisters of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis and the Tertiary Sisters of Saint Francis. Together we were engaged in reconciliation FSE, OSF, FSPA process and companioning of an African Province of Sisters. The sharing of all this took place in Assisi, Italy before 365-ish Franciscan community leaders. It was a challenge and a blessing beyond my imagining.



"It almost took my breath away," shares Sister Marla (pictured here, center) of her role with Franciscan communities gathered from across the globe to celebrate the Cameroon Common Venture -- Franciscan women of Africa.


SMAS: What advice would you give to a woman discerning religious life today?

Sister Marla: It is a gift of challenge and blessing beyond imagining when you put your whole self into your calling. Tending to discernment of the call requires prayer, guidance and openness, plus risking the goodness when found.

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Action vs. contemplation in discernment?

Thursday, October 12th 2017 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Every year, a cycle of radical busyness invades my life. I brace for it and always persevere. Strategy is embedded in the pages of my calendar and I make defensive moves to try to protect time for silence, creativity, fun and rest in addition to ever-present action. It is easy to be consumed by all of the good things ministry and life offer. 

Perhaps it is divine providence that, just as I am experiencing this annual tug of war with my calendar, Martha and Mary arise in the Gospel reading (Luke 10:38-42). Recall for a moment the familiar story: Martha is busy and Mary appears idle. Mary is praised while Martha is chided. I don’t know about you, but this story has played itself out dozens of times in my life. The script for me goes something like this: I am running around from place to place accomplishing what I see are priorities while so-and-so puts up her feet and relaxes, appearing not to have a care in the world. Jealousy wins, I lose, and the scenario frequently repeats itself. Yet there are times when I’m like Mary and choose to slow down, spend time in contemplation, while someone else is running around looking at me as Martha surely did. 


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The challenge is integration of both active life and of contemplative life. This happens for me when I’m working on something and I realize I need a break to refocus, or when I’m praying in Mary of the Angels Chapel and a new idea will suddenly occur to me. 

Discernment of religious life takes balance too. Discernment in action — gathering information, visiting communities and meeting with sisters — takes (and should take) a considerable amount of time and can feel like the most important part of the journey. But discernment in contemplation — praying for wisdom and direction, asking yourself what you are most searching for — is equally essential. It takes (and should take) ample time to sit in contemplation and consider what is in front of you.

This week I invite you to ponder… are both action and contemplation present as you think about your decision? 

Are you balancing these essential components for the discernment of religious life in your calendar?

*Do you know someone experiencing discernment of religious life? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life

Thursday, February 2nd 2017 2:56 pm
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA



Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Katie Mitchell and Laurie Sullivan share their "Called" experiences.

Around the world today the Catholic church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. It’s also the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. In the time of Jesus, infants were presented in the temple and a traditional sacrifice was made on their behalf. This action marked their consecration to God and welcomed them as members of the faith community. Today's Gospel recounts the story of Jesus presented by Mary and Joseph. In our times it is through the sacrament of baptism that we become members of the Catholic church.

As a pastoral associate working in two rural Wisconsin parishes one of my favorite ministries was preparing parents for the baptism of their child. The goal of the meetings was to discuss the commitment they were making on behalf of their child. I would also ask what dreams they had for the child, and how they planned to share the Catholic faith with their son or daughter as they grew. These were inspiring conversations as the love they had for their child was so strong, even if the baby was just a few weeks old. They were already dreaming of school concerts, dance recitals and far-away wedding days for their infant. It was amazing to see the hope and pride the parents had, holding their baby as the priest poured the blessed baptismal water over the child's head in the name of the Trinity. Some enjoyed the water and others cried. I always thought that was symbolic as experiencing the call of the Gospel contains moments of joy and moments of startling revelation, just like the cold water trickling over their heads. At the end of each baptism the priest would hold the baby up high, proclaiming an introduction to the gathered faith community. Applause would erupt from the congregation and the proud parents, godparents and family members beamed with joy. In that moment many dreams came to fruition and many more—as to who the little child would be—began to take shape in their hearts.

If we listen to the ritual language of baptism we hear that we are all called to a life of service. Discerning religious life comes from the very root of the first sacrament you received—baptism. Choosing to make religious profession is an intensification of baptismal commitment. It is to dedicate all of your life to the service of others and to share the good news of the Gospel in service of the church and the world. It’s choosing to fully consecrate your life to God. It’s making God your primary relationship and commitment. It’s a joy-filled choice.

How does your baptism shape how you live your life?

Will you be a part of the next generation of consecrated life?

Live into this World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life with FSPA's "Called: the future of religious life" and National Religious Vocation Conference's "Why We Love Our Vocation."

The hope and conversion in Christmas

Thursday, December 8th 2016 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Photo by Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

I am a fan of holiday movies. In a span of two hours plots develop with a challenge in the life of the main characters that invites reflection, followed by a new choice. Usually the story has a happy ending but not before they face the reality of the situation before them. It’s the lesson of conversion dressed up in holiday clothing; a Gospel value renewed for the season. 

I also enjoy Advent, the second week of which is now upon us. The dual message of Scripture is hope and conversion—hope, even when we are asked to examine the truth of who we are. In light of this wonderment I’m choosing to make time to continue unpacking the richness of Sunday’s readings—that which invites all of us to be in the present moment, not race ahead to Christmas as the commercial world advises. The messages we receive during Mass should not dissipate with the recessional. Our tradition calls us to allow the verses to stir in our hearts and move us to action throughout the week. 

Isaiah declares the transformation that will unfold with the coming of the Lord: an end to of domination and competition. I recently read an inspiring story about an athlete who competed with integrity; putting the unfortunate fall of a competitor before her own drive to victory. She personifies the time to come right now, today, as she made a choice countercultural in not only the world of sports but also in life.  This one act of kindness shines the light of Advent hope for all the world to see.


The Gospel (Matthew 3:1-12) summons us to take Isaiah’s message a step further. Herald of the Good News, John the Baptist cuts through facades and invites each person to the depth of Christian discipleship; to make way for the Gospel message in our hearts and in the world. The reading sounds harsh when we are also living in moments of happy Christmas anticipation; from driving around to see the lights adorning homes to watching holiday specials on television (I could curl up in front of the TV and watch Hallmark Channel Christmas movies 24/7). We long to wrap ourselves in festive yuletide experiences; to leave anything that conjures negative feelings or remembrance of bad choices hidden away on the top shelf. After all, who wants to think about sin while eating cookies and listening to holiday music? It feels like a contradiction. But by listening to the wise advice of John the Baptist, one is reminded that such effort brings deeper reward.

This Advent season the invitation is clear—amidst the work we must also make way for hope in our hearts. Discernment is full of hope: hope of what God is calling you to; hope of what the church will receive in the gift of your life offered to others; hope of a new day when all will reach out to those in need. Each time you take time to examine who you are, what your motives are, you become a stronger herald of the Gospel no matter where discernment leads. John’s message of conversion is present in the experience. 

What will you do this week to take the messages of Isaiah and John the Baptist to heart in your discernment?  

What is your greatest hope—as gift to both yourself and to the world—for the outcome of your discernment?



Mary and our "Yes" to mystery

Thursday, March 23rd 2017 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


This Saturday is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. As I prepare for the celebration I’ve contemplated the Gospel we'll receive that day and thought about all the announcements made over the intercom I hear at St. Rose Convent in the course of a day. From the speaker just outside of my office I hear receptionists paging employees and sisters; reminders about Mass, committee meetings (even exercise class) and other activities beginning soon. I’m able to block out most of this background noise as it’s rare such announcements are personally meant for me. On the sporadic instance it is, I have a community filled with helpful sisters who diligently make me aware of what I may have inadvertently tuned out.

Image courtesy of

In the Gospel, Mary encounters and responds to a life changing annunciation. This is not a vague message. It is specific. She is called by name, reassured of her goodness, provided with initial details of what is to come and given an opportunity to respond. Finally she makes a choice. She says ”Yes” to be the mother of Jesus. No instruction book is given, no promise of happiness, yet she says ”Yes.” When we say "Yes" to vocation we—like Mary—must walk the road, learning as we go, trusting God is always there.

This is one of several call and response stories we have in our Scriptures but Mary, in particular, is a model for discerners. Mary’s experience is a snap shot of what most of us experience in discerning religious life—movement towards making a choice. Gabriel may not be the one delivering the invitation but in many ways—when our worlds are changed in an instant—we can feel like Mary. The potential of the trajectory of our lives is laid before us and God waits for our "Yes."

God knows our hearts and understands how to communicate with us. The magnitude of our circumstance may draw messengers—delivering personal, divine requests—directly to us. The longer I live the more I doubt there are mere coincidences.  

Through the season of Lent we have been following the journey of Jesus to the cross. The annunciation story reminds us where and how it all began. Each decision about and response to God’s invitations has bearing on the future. Both stories convey the love God has for us. Love in action; in different moments of the unfolding narrative beginning with the very first moments of being through the maturation and insight into life choices made. Mary and Jesus choose love no matter the consequence for their lives.

This reading in the middle of Lent invites me to ponder loving more and worrying less. How can I let go of the need to know what to expect when love has a different answer? Always provides a way?

Is your discernment journey leading you to a “Yes” to love like Mary?

How does your life announce to the world your commitment to God?

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