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For Love of The Broken Body: A Spiritual Memoir

For Love of The Broken Body: A Spiritual Memoir
By Sister Julia Walsh

At the age of 25, just a month into her novitiate as a Franciscan Sister, Julia Walsh fell from a cliff and became disfigured. While working toward healing, she felt pulled to religious community life, but also toward unresolved feelings regarding her own sexuality, identity, and injustice.

For Love of the Broken Body is a story of pain, questioning, recovery, and discovery. What does it mean to exist as a broken body? Why would a young woman dedicate herself to the Catholic Church—to a life as a Franciscan Sister—while others are leaving churches in droves?

The number of women choosing to enter religious life across the U.S. is shrinking rapidly, so Walsh encounters a lot of curiosity about her choice. In this memoir, she writes honestly about feeling drawn to men and to sex, as well as what it means, in this age of self-discovery and hook-ups, for a young woman—physically broken and still very much attracted to the world—to join a celibate, religious community.

Manna for a Wintery Earth: The Story of Rose of Viterbo

Manna for a Wintery Earth: The Story of Rose of Viterbo
By Sisters Joan and Marlene Weisenbeck

Sister Joan Weisenbeck and Sister Marlene Weisenbeck recently released "Manna for a Wintery Earth: The Story of Rose of Viterbo." This new book gives impetus to reflect on the unique call to holiness each person has in their specific milieu. Situating Rose in the historical and cultural context of thirteenth-century Viterbo sheds light on understanding the Viterbo citizens' devotion for her, and the impact of her Franciscan penitential life. Rose's story testifies that holiness is a gift of God to be given freely with self-consciousness.

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The Way in the 21st Century

The Way in the 21st Century
By FSPA Affiliate Elizabeth Allen

"It is time again to claim The Way, to reach out to those unfamiliar to us and find a common ground within our relationships, community and the Earth," writes FSPA Director of Affiliation Elizabeth Allen (who herself is an affiliate) in her newly-released guidebook, "The Way in the 21st Century."

The Way welcomes people of all religions, cultures and spiritual traditions, and is a timely message for everyone. "Too often we are set apart from one another based on our differing beliefs and backgrounds," shares Beth in the book. "Too often we are divided by labels, yet there is a collective wisdom that unites us much more than what separates us. In this guidebook, you'll explore the universal values of reflection, presence, simplicity, humility, peacemaking, stewardship and service in the context of the 21st century."

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Cheering For The Good: Leading When It Matters

Cheering For The Good: Leading When It Matters
By Sister Karen Lueck


"...her philosophy pivots on the similarities to and differences between being a cheerleader, as she was in high school, and a cheerleader, as she influences today. The result is a fresh approach to leadership. It is based as much on a leader's need to listen to others and embrace the concept of shared decision-mailing as it is on acknowledging where the buck stops." - Mike Tighe, journalist and author


The Franciscan Spirituality Center in La Crosse, Wisconsin, featured Sister Karen on its podcast, "What is Spirituality?" hosted by Steve Spilde.

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Mary of the Angels Chapel: God's Answer to a Bold Promise

Mary of the Angels Chapel: God's Answer to a Bold Promise
By Sister Malinda Gerke

Sister Malinda shares the history and architectural marvels of Mary of the Angels Chapel! Her book presents visual details of exquisite art and sculptures. This hardcover book, features more than 360 pages and includes more than 800 photographs from many contributors.

Read La Crosse Tribune's Jan. 2018 article "La Crosse Sister Malinda Gerke chronicles history of Mary of the Angels Chapel in new book," and view La Crosse Tribune photographer Erik Daily's Mary of the Angels Chapel photo gallery.

However Long the Night: Making Meaning in a Time of Crisis

However Long the Night: Making Meaning in a Time of Crisis

This is the story of what was learned by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious during a six-year crisis (2009-2015). A high-ranking and very powerful Vatican office suddenly and very publicly confronted the organization with forceful questions and negative assumptions about the foundation of the lives of Catholic sisters.

The conflict grew more intense midway through those years. The Vatican office threatened the autonomy and even the existence of the conference, an organization on which the great majority of US Catholic sisters rely for many kinds of resources, supports, and connections. The experience rocked LCWR's officers, its hundreds of members, and the approximately 60,000 sisters who belonged to member congregations at that time. Yet the ultimate resolution benefited everyone. How did that happen? This book answers that question.

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Eucharistic Adoration: Reflections in the Franciscan Tradition

Eucharistic Adoration: Reflections in the Franciscan Tradition

This book provides Catholics who pray before the Real Presence with a new and unique resource to deepen their adoration experience and do so within the Franciscan tradition. Each of 52 reflections for Eucharistic Adoration - one for each week of the year - features four parts that address the spiritual advice of St. Clare to gaze, consider, contemplate and imitate Christ.

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The Architecture of Eugene Liebert: Teutonic Style in the American Midwest

The Architecture of Eugene Liebert: Teutonic Style in the American Midwest

Each of the three chapters, Residential Work, Commercial Work & Schools, and Ecclesiastical Work includes many never-previously published images that illustrate Liebert's artistry and all-encompassing design style. Liebert was recognized for his attention to the smallest design elements in his structures, and the manuscript's illustrations highlight the detailed as well as the grand scale of his designs.

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Exploring Sacred Symbols and Art in Mary of the Angels Chapel

Exploring Sacred Symbols and Art in Mary of the Angels Chapel

Learn the stories behind the one-of-a-kind bronzed statues, the Franciscan women saints who are depicted in rare and beautiful Bavarian stained glass, and the unique paintings devoted to Franciscan themes. This special tour, only available on DVD, highlights the rich symbolism of the chapels and expresses the mystery and beauty of the Christian faith.

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Crescentia Hoess: A Saint for Our Time

Crescentia Hoess: A Saint for Our Time
By Karl Poernbacher, translated by Sister Clara Brill

Print edition: $5.00 + $1.75 shipping/handling
Send payment to FSPA, Crescentia Book, 912 Market Street, La Crosse, WI 54601

Franciscan Intellectual Tradition:

Our partners at Ruah Media are the exclusive distributors of scholarly presentations available to all who want to learn about the Franciscan Tradition through the works of scholars including William J. Short, OFM; Zachary Hayes, OFM; Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ; Ilia Delio, OSF; and more.

Thea's Song: The Life of Thea Bowman

Thea's Song: The Life of Thea Bowman
By Sister Charlene Smith and John Feister

The definitive, authorized biography of Thea Bowman, a modern-day heroine, with never before-seen writings, interviews, and photographs. Thea Bowman was a black girl born in civil-rights-era Mississippi who joined a convent of white Catholic sisters in Wisconsin, and went on to inspire millions of all faiths and none. She fought prejudice, sadness, and brought joy to others even during her struggle with cancer and long after her untimely death in 1990.

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Thea Bowman: In My Own Words

Thea Bowman: In My Own Words

Explore the thoughts, memories, and reflections of Sr. Thea Bowman, a devoted Franciscan woman, joyful Christian, prophetic preacher, and tenacious teacher. Drawing on such sources as her preaching, national addresses, professional writings, personal correspondence, and a CBS "60 Minutes" interview, Fr. Maurice Nutt has compiled her insightful reflections into themes that include "The Wisdom of the 'Old Folks,'" "The Giftedness of Children," "On Being Black and Catholic," "Hope," and "The Power of Prayer."

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Thea Bowman: Faithful and Free

Thea Bowman: Faithful and Free

With every passing year since her death in 1990, more people are recognizing Sister Thea Bowman as one of the most inspiring figures in American Catholic history. This granddaughter of slaves became Catholic on her own initiative at the age of nine. As a Franciscan sister, she lived a wide-ranging ministry of joy, music, and justice.

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