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Adoration Moment is a meditative experience for anyone seeking a deeper peace and all good.

Adoration Moment is a series of adoration meditations featuring beautiful photos, harp music, psalms and scenes from Mary of the Angels Chapel in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Adoration Moment serves to broaden and deepen the adoration experience. Our intention is to create for you a comforting experience of peace and all good.

Angels of the Passion: A Way of the Cross

Sister Malinda Gerke shares "Angels of the Passion: The Way of the Cross," a collection of meditations centered around the Stations of the Cross. Her writing is narrated by Rose Cooper, Vicki-Lopez Kaley, Michael Krueger and Barb Kruse, all affiliates with FSPA.

Download a complimentary "Angels of the Passion: A Way of the Cross" booklet.


The Praises of God

Aug. 1, 2023: Adoration Moment is back! Enjoy The Praises of God, a meditation experience in celebration of 145 years of perpetual adoration -- our way of maintaining awareness of God's presence in our lives and praying for the world. We invite you into a moment of pause. Our gratitude to Sister Malinda Gerke who guides the creation of each Adoration Moment.


Canticle of the Sun

Aug. 1, 2021: In celebration of 143 years of perpetual adoration, our way of maintaining awareness of God's presence in our lives and praying for the world, we invite you into a moment of pause.


A meditation experience for when you are anxious

"Help me. Free me from the discontent of striving and the torment of thinking that I must know more, understand more, and do more just to please you ... I want only to sit in your embrace -- secure, safe, trusting in your protection." God speaks: "I can take care of all of it. Just give it all to me." This meditation includes a pause for time to name your worries, as well as Psalm 131.


A meditation experience for when you are grieving

"Lord, I am crying my heart out! Tears are my steady diet. I am remembering my loved one. I am so sad and lonely." "Don’t be afraid. I am with you. I will walk with you through this valley of death. I will lead you to new and joyful pastures.



"Thank you for trusting me with your wonderful gift of peace, for allowing me to gift others with your compassion, your mercy, your forgiveness … I thank you especially for the gift of … (pause to reflect) …"


Life is Worth Living

A meditation experience for people experiencing hopelessness. "I pray they sit with this experience. I pray they leave with a future of hope knowing creation would not be complete without them in it … that they are needed to show goodness, kindness and love in their own unique ways. It’s important work." – Sister Malinda Gerke, creator, Adoration Moment.


Adoration and Praise

A meditation experience featuring Psalm 84 and St. Francis' The Praises of God.