Perspectives Update: development office news
Perspectives Update: development office news, published monthly by our Mission Advancement Office, shares ministry news and upcoming events. All are welcome to subscribe to the newsletter by entering your email address below:
March 19, 2025: A promise fulfilled, Fish for the Future, Sister Thea, journey of hope and more
Feb. 21, 2025: Jubilee Year of Hope, Sister Marguerite turns 100, Thea, Canticle of the Creatures and more
Jan. 21, 2025: 'Bold choices,' Sister Eileen gives gratitude [video], bronze statue of Sister Thea and more!
Dec. 31, 2024: We are thankful for donors like you! [watch the video]
Dec. 23, 2024: More FSPA Goodness in 2024 [watch the reel!]
Dec. 13, 2024: Celebrating the goodness and joy of 2024 [watch the video!]
Dec. 4, 2024: Together you gave $40,660 this GivingTuesday!
Dec. 3, 2024: GivingTuesday is TODAY!
Dec. 2, 2024: Together we give TOMORROW, Dec. 3. -- GivingTuesday!
Nov. 27, 2024: Franciscan action in Washington D.C., Sister Thea and the Holy 6, Sister Marcella Marie's Wells of Wisdom and more!
Oct. 31, 2024: In loving memory, climate crisis, Sister Thea, Words of Wisdom and more
Sept. 30, 2024: Sister Mary Ann is Oktoberfest parade marshal, Sister Marlou's Words of Wisdom and more.
Aug. 30, 2024: Celebrating 146 years of perpetual adoration, Sister Thea, the summer olympics and more!
July 31, 2024: Human trafficking and forced migration, Sisters Joann Moeller and Thea Bowman and more!
June 28, 2024: Jubilee joy, The Puerto Rico Project, The Spicy Franciscan and more!
June 19, 2024: 175th celebration continues with organ concert, Hackner Exhibit
May 31, 2024: 'A Craftsman's Legacy,' climate action, Sisters Thea and Karen and more
May 10, 2024: "Sister Thea Bowman article access"
Apr. 30, 2024: "Sister Sue meets Pope Francis, Thea's latest stage debut, a new visual art experience and more"
Mar. 28, 2024: "FSPA Perspectives Update: New Adoration Moment, conservation and education, Sister Betty's art experience and more"
Feb. 29, 2024: "FSPA Perspectives Update: Bad River, Hope-Esperanza, artist of the month and more"
Jan. 31, 2024: "175 years of Prayer, Witness and Service"
Dec. 19, 2023: "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"
Dec. 8, 2023: "Celebrating 'Oh! Lovely Infant,' friendship and nativity"
Nov. 29, 2023: Together we gave $44,587 this GivingTuesday!
Oct. 27, 2023: As followers of Christ, we pray for peace in the Middle East
Sept. 30, 2023: Action, Discussion, Messy Jesus Business and more
Aug. 25, 2023: A Call to Conscience
July 26, 2023: Celebrating 145 years of Perpetual Adoration
June 27, 2023: Climate justice, spirituality via simplicity and more
May 25, 2023: For their grace, gifts and love: 2023 jubiliarians
April 26, 2023: Calling all to care for creation
March 9, 2023: Musical on the Life of Sister Thea Bowman
Feb. 23, 2023: A 'warm, warm welcome' to FSPA
Jan. 19, 2023: Deepening relationships, sharing goodness