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Eco-Grief: Finding Hope Across Generations


6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Location: online via Zoom

Join us for an inspiring and insightful webinar addressing eco-grief and climate anxiety. Featuring an expert in the field, this event will explore the emotional and spiritual impacts of the climate crisis and offer pathways to hope and resilience. A panel of young people, including climate activists, will share their experiences, challenges and the ways they sustain hope while advocating for change. Together, we'll reflect on how to transform despair into meaningful action and hope for the future.


Victoria Loorz

Victoria Loorz, eco-theologian and author of "Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us into the Sacred," is the founder of the Wild Church Network. Drawing on her experience as a pastor and environmental advocate, Victoria addresses eco-grief with faith, offering hope and healing amid environmental challenges.

Kayla Jacobs

Kayla Jacobs, Program Manager at Catholic Climate Covenant, is a dynamic speaker and advocate for Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si', inspiring bold action for climate justice. She brings expertise in advocacy, youth engagement and faith-based solutions to the ecological challenges we face.

Gabriela Martinez

Gabriela Martinez, former Director of Campaigns with the Franciscan Action Network, works to amplify the voices of young people in advocating for ecological sustainability and social justice. Gabriela brings a fresh and compelling perspective to the conversation on eco-grief and intergenerational action.

Visit for more information and to register!

This event is presented by the Tri-State Network, a coalition of congregations of women religious in Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin who focus on peace, justice and spirituality.

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