Sister Thea Bowman Conference
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: The Catholic University of America
620 Michigan Avenue Northeast Heritage Hall - Fr. O'Connell Hall Washington, DC 20064
Host: The Cathlolic University of America
Panelists: Sister Sue Ernster, FSPA., Rev. Dr. Maurice J. Nutt, C.Ss.R., Dr. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow, D.Min., Sister Barbara Spears, SNJM, Rev. Michael K. Barth, S.T., Rev. Msgr. Raymond East., Mr. Ronny Lancaster, M.B.A., J.D., Rev. Robert P. Boxie, III
This conference honors the life and legacy of Sister Thea Bowman, ties to the Catholic University of America and Washington D.C., and the progress of her canonization. This event will feature panelists from various Catholic organizations that played a role in Sister Thea's introduction to the Catholic Church, inlcuding Sister Sue Ernster as one of the featured speakers.
Register: Sister Thea Bowman Conference
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