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FSPA calls for compassion and action

FSPA calls for compassion and action

The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration stand with other Catholic Sister congregations, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and many groups around the United States in resisting President Trump’s executive orders on immigration and refugee families. As a congregation founded in 1849 by German immigrants— to serve German immigrants— we’re calling for compassion and action. 

We call on all elected officials to work together to enact comprehensive immigration reform. 

We call everyone to remember: respect matters. Words matter. Information matters. We are stronger when we come together. During 2024, we co-hosted two Immigration Summits with our friends at Coulee Region Immigration Task Force and the Franciscan Spirituality Center. During those events, we not only heard about the importance of our words and narrative, but we heard from dairy farmers on the importance of a thriving workforce. We heard from additional panelists sharing stories of the many ways in which immigrant families enrich our communities (watch the narrative change presentation below).  

We're committed to advocating for the good of all people. Our Franciscan tradition is rooted in promoting peace and justice in the world. Within our organization, our work is guided by our commitments to build relationships, be transformed by Gospel living and challenge our white privilege, working toward equity and inclusion of all. We’ve committed in 2025 to make our teams stronger as we continue this work.

Let's Move to Action

A few recommendations

  • Participate in Know Your Rights Training
    *Training is for activists, allies and others facing impacts from immigration changes

    CLINIC (online resources and training)
    This organization ultimately serves nearly 500,000 immigrants a year, making it the largest nonprofit immigration law organization in the country. 

    Voces de la Frontera (online resources and training)
    This organization offers both online and in person training; its mission is to protect and expand civil rights and workers' rights through leadership development, community organizing and empowerment. 

    ACLU (online resources and training)
    This organization defends the rights of all people nationwide. 

Rooted in our tradition of prayer, we pray

Dear God, Angels & Saints,
Our beautiful country that has been filled with your families from all over your world for generations, we humbly ask your help in continuing to welcome people in need so that our wonderful abundance can be shared.

Help us to care for one another, to be sensitive to those already present, and to spread your marvelous gifts among our sisters and brothers. With open hearts, hands to help and gratitude for your blessings, we pray for your assistance, guidance and strength.

- Sister Celesta Day, Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration


As our blessed St. Francis and St. Clare opened their arms to differences --
We beseech you Heavenly Father to:
        open the eyes of our leaders to need and suffering of immigrants;
        open the ears of the indifferent to the cry of immigrants;
        open the hearts of all to embrace our fellow humankind
                filled with your love and acceptance.
Fill our world with the compassion and love for each other as
shown by our Saints Francis and Clare. In Jesus’ name we pray.  AMEN
-Bernadette Ostby, affiliate with the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration


Spirit of Love,
Help us to see our friend Jesus in all those who long for a place to lay their heads …

Help us to remember we are a country of immigrants and to recall the truth and joy of living as one body in this world God loves so much …

Help us listen in love to the stories of all who are afraid … and all who long for justice …  with the compassion that flows so generously from You.

-Karna Marks, partner in mission with the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration