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Sister Eileen Advocates for Immigration Reform with Kino Border Initiative

Sister Eileen Advocates for Immigration Reform with Kino Border Initiative

Sister Eileen McKenzie, who works with the Kino Border Initiative in Nogales, Arizona, United States of America, and in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, recently wrote a letter to the La Crosse Tribune. The Kino Border Initiative is dedicated to providing humanitarian assistance to migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border and advocating for immigration.

In her letter, Sister Eileen expressed the urgent need for immigration reform and discussed the importance of considering the reasons behind people’s migration. She also talks about the role immigrants play in the economy. Sister Eileen shares, “For each 1,000 workers, it is predicted that initial tax revenues increase by $2.5 million.”

Furthermore, Sister Eileen commended the efforts of the Coulee Region Immigration Task Force, which promotes the dignity and rights of migrants in the La Crosse area. 

Sister Eileen’s words remind us that immigration reform is about compassion and fairness. Her efforts show that even small acts of kindness can make a significant difference in the lives of migrants and our communities. 

Read the letter in the La Crosse Tribune.