reflection - Related Content

Renewal, Transition and Beautiful Reflection

Monday, December 5th 2022 4:39 pm

In my last reflection, I didn't realize I would send another, but then Sister Michelle L'Allier, a Little Falls Franciscan Sister invited me to talk about religious life and my time in Bolivia on her podcast, Engaging Franciscan Wisdom. Together, we had a meaningful conversation about life, Franciscan values, assumptions and lots more. If you have enjoyed my reflections, you might enjoy the podcast, which is available via YouTube.

Engaging Franciscan Wisdom, Episode 48: Hospitality & Presence: teachers of beauty & living in unity

I am filled with gratitude to all who have shared my life with me over the last year. I have had time for renewal and am now transitioning into new paths as I return to school and seek a part-time ministry to share my gifts. Great blessings to you this Advent, throughout the Christmas season and all through 2023!

Feliz Dia De la Amistad - Happy Friendship Day!

Saturday, July 23rd 2022 1:20 pm

As I spend my time coloring a special little something for one of my friends here in Bolivia, I have been reflecting on my many friendships, past and present. It has been a joyful opportunity to spend time in many precious memories, dwelling in gratitude for the abundance of blessings my friends are to me and praying for those, old and new. God has blessed me indeed!

New and old,
near and far,
young and old,
some who are no longer here.

My friends have been
gamers and goth,
business and birders,
artists and scientists,
rich and poor,
all holding a special place in my heart.

Blessed with family who are friends,
and friends who are like family,
some were brief encounters,
others long-lasting deep connectedness,
and many that are somewhere in between.

Whoever you are,
wherever you are,
know this,
I share the love I have found in God's embrace
with you today.
May you feel friendship deep in your spirit.

One of my special joys is my gift of seeing "friend" in everyone I meet. Know that even if I haven't met you, you have a friend in me. (Cue music for Randy Newman's "You got a friend in me.") I will be spending today praying for all of my friends, past, present and future. If you would like a special prayer today or whenever you read this, know that I would be blessed to pray for you. Send in a comment and know that your intention will be in my prayers. After all, what are friends for?! (Be sure to mark it private in some way if you don't want it shared with the others who read this.)

God bless you on this special day - and always!

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Sister Dorothy's 6 Word Story of Hope

Tuesday, September 22nd 2020 4:05 pm
Dorothy Dunbar, FSPA


Visit us again to experience new Show me a sign 6 Word Stories of Hope.

Sister Jolynn's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, September 10th 2020 10:30 am
Jolynn Brehm, FSPA


We are sharing the hope that you are seeking right here ... in six words and images of inspiration. Visit us again for more. 

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Joyce's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, September 3rd 2020 10:00 am
Joyce Blum, FSPA

Show me a sign has more stories of hope -- fresh perspectives of light and love -- coming soon!

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Anita: the soul searching question

Tuesday, October 17th 2017 10:00 am
Sister Anita Beskar, FSPA


A lake as calm as glass;

A circle of pine trees enjoying a near-perfect reflection in the fragile lake mirror;

And I am privileged to contemplate both from my aqua cycle perspective on the lake.

In this deeply contemplative moment, startling questions emerge within me:

- How could I know the mystery of "treeness" if all I ever experienced was its reflection?

- How could I feel, smell, throw my arms around a tree if all I knew was its reflection?

And I notice how the subtle and/or turbulent movements of the water affect this reflected image.


Photo by Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

Then the soul-searching question:

Is this not the way that I know God and God Presence -- through God's reflected images? And how does my inner quiet or lack thereof affect the mirror of my life to reflect God Presence?

This, for me, is prayer: to invite my inner spirit into the quiet of God's Spirit so that in my inner quiet I may listen to find the courage and RESPOND.

Franciscan Way is a series featuring prayerful reflection by Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. 

Sister Kathy's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, June 25th 2020 10:00 am
Kathy Roberg, FSPA


Visit us again to experience new 6 Word Stories of Hope.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Pauline's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, September 24th 2020 3:45 pm
Pauline Wittry, FSPA


Join us again for more Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration 6 Word Stories of Hope!

Sister Eileen's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, August 6th 2020 10:00 am
Eileen McKenzie, FSPA


Searching for guiding light in this this time of uncertainty? Come back for more 6 Word Stories of Hope.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Marian's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, July 23rd 2020 10:00 am
Marian Massman, FSPA


Stay tuned: there are more stories of hope to come in this Show me a sign series!

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Rita's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, July 9th 2020 10:00 am
Rita Jansen, FSPA


Watch for new 6 Word Stories, renewed hope and unique inspiration from Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Helen's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, August 13th 2020 10:00 am
Helen Elsbernd, FSPA


Show me a sign and Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration have more inspiration to share. Stay tuned.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Rita Mae's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, September 17th 2020 10:05 am
Rita Mae Fischer, FSPA


Enjoy. Share. Inspire. And, visit us again for more 6 Word Stories of Hope created by Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. 

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Celebrating freedom ... from a distance

Saturday, July 4th 2020 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Happy 4th of July!


Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 

Today, may we reach out to one another in peace and unity that spans beyond physical distance and continue to pray for the safety and health of all during this time of global crisis.

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.


Reflection 1: gaze, consider, contemplate, imitate ... discern [video]

Thursday, February 20th 2020 7:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA

"What would happen if, instead of seeking personal wealth, I chose to work for the good of others?

Show me a sign Discernment Meditation: Reflection 1

Welcome to a place of reflection, inspired by the advice given to Agnes of Prague by St. Clare of Assisi, upon the discernment of religious life. As a princess transitioning into consecrated life, Agnes wrote to Clare asking for guidance on how to grow in her relationship with Christ. St. Clare offered the words gaze ... consider ... contemplate ... imitate.

Show me a sign invites you to gaze, consider, contemplate and imitate with our 14-day discernment meditation series as your guide. Let them stir within you -- inspire you, as they did Agnes -- through your day, your week, or perhaps a transitional time all your own.

Maybe such reflection includes discernment of religious life.

View the next meditation in our series
"Reflection 2: What would life look like if I chose to live with others who also want to make a difference?"


Sister Esther's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, July 30th 2020 10:00 am
Esther Leis, FSPA


Visit us again for new 6 Word Stories of Hope — light-filled reflections in these times of uncertainty.    

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Sister Clarone's 6 Word Story of Hope

Monday, September 28th 2020 10:00 am
Clarone Brill, FSPA

Sister Marguerite's 6 Word Story of Hope

Thursday, July 16th 2020 10:00 am
Marguerite Bruening, FSPA


Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration are writing hope for the future with the wisdom of religious life ... in just six words. Stay tuned. 

Are you discerning religious life? Walking with someone who is? We invite you to share this link,, and join the conversation.

Stop. Look up.

Thursday, July 7th 2016 10:09 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


Photo courtesy of

We live in a fast paced world of split-second decisions and short attention spans. Our minds spill over with complex thoughts and distraction as we struggle to be fully present to tasks at hand. Even off the clock, when watching a 30-minute TV show, we often multi-task by flipping channels, getting a snack or even fast forwarding through commercials via DVR. Our precious time of relaxation mirrors the lightning speed of modern living. Rarely do we sit and just enjoy the present.

Fourth of July fireworks displays trigger an automatic pause; a natural urge to stop and look up. We automatically slow to the unhurried pace of watching spectacular colors and shapes appear in the sky; listen to a symphony of “ooh”s and “ahh”s around us. Young, old and everyone in between are suspended in time. Together we are present to the moment and to one another. Memories are made as we allow beauty to seep into our souls and move each of us to reflection of things bigger than ourselves. We can hear that profound wonder in the voices of the children as they exclaim "Wow! Look at that big one!"

When was the last time you were drawn to quiet reflection through beauty? What made you stop and take notice? What are the beautiful moments in your discernment journey?

Celebrating religious life renewed, perpetually professed

Thursday, June 1st 2017 10:00 am
Sister Amy Taylor, FSPA


We invite you to pray with us, from wherever you are in the world, as we celebrate a vow renewal and a perpetual vow profession in the FSPA community!


Sister Kristin shares reflection as she prepares to make a pilgrimage to Santiago, Spain.


Sister Laurie serves as a eucharistic minister in a local parish (photo courtesy of Sister Laurie Sullivan).

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