Wanderings and Wonderings - Sister Meg's Journey

Renewal, Transition and Beautiful Reflection

By Sister Meg Earsley on Monday, December 5th 2022

In my last reflection, I didn't realize I would send another, but then Sister Michelle L'Allier, a Little Falls Franciscan Sister invited me to talk about religious life and my time in Bolivia on her podcast, Engaging Franciscan Wisdom. Together, we had a meaningful conversation about life, Franciscan values, assumptions and lots more. If you have enjoyed my reflections, you might enjoy the podcast, which is available via YouTube.

Engaging Franciscan Wisdom, Episode 48: Hospitality & Presence: teachers of beauty & living in unity

I am filled with gratitude to all who have shared my life with me over the last year. I have had time for renewal and am now transitioning into new paths as I return to school and seek a part-time ministry to share my gifts. Great blessings to you this Advent, throughout the Christmas season and all through 2023!

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Catherine Matt Says:
12/05/2022 9:53pm
Thank you for taking us along on your adventures.

pHqghUme Says:
05/14/2024 10:52am

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