The Seasoned Franciscan - Cooking Joyfully

Welcome to The Seasoned Franciscan. Sisters and their partners in mission—including affiliates, prayer partners and staff—share these recipes hoping to provide you with new ways of looking at the food around you. Being mindful of the food we eat is integral to making lasting change throughout the world. We focus these recipes on five themes: eating seasonally, exploring our heritages, pursuing meatless meals, foraging or using food scraps and embracing indigenous and ethnic foods.

New recipes are shared on a regular basis and can be submitted to the FSPA Eco Pact Team at

Roasted Garlic White Chicken Pizza

Garlic season has more than a culinary value in our family.  Planting it in early October with my grandfather’s instructions is a fall ritual. Roasted Garlic White Chicken Pizza is one of the first recipes we enjoy after the harvest.  The mild, creamy roasted garlic sauce makes it!  Get the recipe and tips for to plant, cook and preserve garlic. 

Sauteed Shrimp Cakes with Herb Mustard Sauce

Feathery dill leaves are sprouting in the garden.  At this point, the fresh green fronds are called dill weed.  Soon we’ll see the flowering dill seed head used in pickles.  Dill weed is great in potato salad, macaroni salad, fish and seafood like shrimp! Dill weed and lemon are great on fresh salmon or trout just out of the oven or frying pan.  In a recipe for “Sauteed Shrimp Cakes”, Chef Joe Randall pays homage to African American food and makes use of fresh dill and easy Herb Mustard sauce that will melt in your mouth!

Three Bean Salad and Gratitude

Seasonal transitions take time. And so seasonal eaters observe and learn what is in season...and wait.  These days, we wait until local green beans are ripe and just tender to make Three Bean Salad. When beans and other favorite seasonal foods arrive, we taste, enjoy and offer mindful gratitude.  Praise to you, for Sister Earth!

Vicki Lopez-Kaley – I am an affiliate with FSPA and a member of the Eco Pact Team. For me the kitchen and garden are about slowing down and being creative. Sharing stories and connecting with others and the earth through food can bring great meaning and pleasure.

Isabel “Iggy” Bauer – I served as an AmeriCorps Service Member with FSPA. Sustainable food is one of my passions and I have a vision of bringing local food, gardens and green spaces to urban areas in support of human health and happiness.

The FSPA Eco Pact Team – We are a cooperative group of sisters, affiliates and partners in mission focused on making an impact on integral ecology through the lens of Laudato Si’. Since beginning our mission in the summer of 2021, Eco Pact has brought forward many changes, including initiating effective recycling practices at St. Rose Convent. Connect with us at

Garden Cookbook
FSPA Garden


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