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Eco-Grief: Finding Hope Across Generations

Location: online via Zoom Join us for an inspiring and insightful webinar addressing eco-grief and climate anxiety. Featuring an expert in the field, this event will explore the emotional and... Read More

Know Your Rights Training (online)

Immigration allyship: Join the Wisconsin Council of Churches and Voces de la Frontera for a Know Your Rights Training Read More

Sister Thea Bowman Conference

This conference honors the life and legacy of Sister Thea Bowman, ties to the Catholic University of America and Washington D.C., and the progress of her canonization. This event will feature panelists from various Catholic organizations that played a role in Sister Thea's introduction to the Catholic Church, inlcuding Sister Sue Ernster as one of the featured speakers. Read More

The Life and Music of Sister Thea

Location: San Damiano Chapel, La Crosse, WI All are invited to join Viterbo University for a presentation of stories from folks who knew Servant of God, Sister Thea Bowman and experienced her music.... Read More

Ho-Chunk Founders Day Powwow

FSPA's Truth, Justice & Healing Team is once again a cosponsor of the Ho-Chunk Founders Day Powwow. Read More

Poetry Cafe (online)

In honor of the "Canticle of the Creatures," this month's poems will focus on its themes: creation, forgiveness and death. Bring a poem related to one of these themes — either an original composition or a poem written by another author — for a time of sharing and reflection. Each participant will share their poem, and after some silence, the group will share their thoughts. Read More

Meditation for Emotional Health (Zoom)

Meditation is proven to reduce stress and promote relaxation. All are welcome to join us for a time of rejuvenation. We’ll start with a guided meditation that includes relaxed breathing, a body scan and a visualization. Afterward, we will have a brief discussion. Gatherings are on the first Thursday of the month through videoconferencing; you are invited to attend any or all sessions as your schedule permits. Read More

Screening of "The Letter: A Message for Our Earth"

Location: The Rivoli Theatre and Pizzeria, 117 4th Street N, La Crosse, WI In recognition of Earth Day, the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration are hosting a free pizza and movie night on April... Read More

Justice and Peace Stations of the Cross (FSC)

This form of the Way of the Cross is a two-mile silent prayer walk from the heart of the city to the Mississippi River, stopping at 10 stations to sing, pray and reflect on injustices and suffering in our community and the world. The walk, which recalls the journey of Jesus as he carried his cross to Calvary, will take about two hours. People of all ages and faith backgrounds are invited to participate. Read More

Earth Day Celebration (Prairiewoods)

Join us as we honor the beauty of creation and our shared responsibility to protect it. This special Earth Day walk celebrates the interconnectedness of all life, inspired by the timeless words of St. Francis of Assisi. It will include a reflective reading of The Canticle of the Creatures, a guided walk through the Prairiewoods trails and a community prayer and commitment to care for our planet. Read More

Canticle of the Sun (online)

With a candle flame and a bowl of water, we will contemplate elements that St. Francis of Assisi celebrated to praise the Lord. We'll rejoice with Marty Haugen's song based on St. Francis' 1224 Canticle. What does it mean to relate to creation as Brother Son and Sister Moon, Brother Fire and Sister Mother Earth? How could it feel to meditate on the blessings of beautiful light, creatures and flowers? Read More

Rest and Renew Retreat Option (in-person)

One World Listening participants are invited to arrive a day early to rest and renew. Bring a book, create art, journal, take a nap or plan a hike on one of the beautiful paths near La Crosse — whatever fills your soul and deepens your connection to the Sacred. You will have a private, comfortable room, and you are invited to participate in spiritual direction (included in the cost of this retreat). Read More

La Crosse Neighbors Day

Location:  789 Myrick Park Drive, La Crosse, WI 54601 Spring yard clean-up is a chore many of us take for granted. Every year, hundreds of volunteers help La Crosse residents complete yard projects... Read More

Earth Day Prayer Service: Rooted Together in Place

Location: The Nature Place (Marshview Room), 789 Myrick Park Dr, La Crosse, WI 54601 All are invited to join us for an Earth Day Prayer Service. More details to come! Read More

Meditation for Emotional Health (Zoom)

Meditation is proven to reduce stress and promote relaxation. All are welcome to join us for a time of rejuvenation. We’ll start with a guided meditation that includes relaxed breathing, a body scan and a visualization. Afterward, we will have a brief discussion. Gatherings are on the first Thursday of the month through videoconferencing; you are invited to attend any or all sessions as your schedule permits. Read More